As a reminder to some of our new readers, I’m adding this background testimony: On the night of the 25th January 2010, the Lord appeared to my daughter Charis for the first time, telling her: "I love My children, My daughter Charis, I am your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I am going to show you visions and you must tell your father." Today, the Lord is still speaking to Charis FAITHFULLY EVERY NIGHT and we have this honor that He will be speaking to her until the DAY we depart from this world.
So then, with this in mind, I will briefly touch on the experiences we are having with the Lord on Holy living. This is not an exhaustive account on Holy living, nor does it in anyway contradict (you be the judge) Biblical truth on this subject. Instead, I confess the truth here: the Lord Jesus Christ chose us, me and my family and our immediate fellowship group to teach us His Word through Powerful rebukes. This He does through a 11 year old girl, my daughter Charis; she has no theological training nor understanding on very deep Christian truths as taught by man. In relation to the cardinal virtues and vices, all this as you will see, the Lord points us to in His rebuke of us. Her vocabulary is limited and she does not know the rich theological words and phrases, but the Lord gives it to her and after she has committed it to paper, I read it and pass it on to the individual concerned.
Serious Messages
We receive serious messages from the Lord through Charis when we have sinned purposely. This is a stunning REBUKE, laying bare the hidden secrets of the heart. The Bible verse that says that: “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:12).
I can confess, I know this verse on a personal level, when the Lord reveals our wicked actions exposing them, it hurts and because nothing is impossible with Him, He makes you feel it so that you may be ashamed of your sins. I was once stunned and stung by a serious message from the Lord, and He even categorised it’s seriousness by saying: “I have a very, very, very, very, very serious message for your father tonight and I love your father.”
For us, when the Lord brings such a message, I confess, there is no rest for your soul the entire day while waiting to hear your guilt. No amount of confession will stop Him from saying what He purposed to say. People, I am not saying the Lord does not forgive us our sins when we confess it, but He wants us to hear our wrong doings so that we must repent and reform our ways. There must be some Godly sorrow and pain of shame so that we will not repeat the folly. The Lord is no respecter of persons and He is not influenced by our feelings or approval.
As it is, when I got this serious message, I was deeply hurt and many days when I went for prayer, I always started lamenting and beseeching the Lord never to do that; my ego was badly bruised. I know there is nothing I could do, I could not run from the Lord and even if I did, does guilt stay behind? NO! Guilt is waiting for punishment; I needed the TRUTH to free me, for truth is freedom from guilt.
These serious messages always carry the WARNING that if we continue in this sin the end result is HELL. Although I have prayed and asked the Lord for permission to write on this subject of His real Judgments, I will not mention the real names of the people. The people involved in these experiences are in agreement that we share these truths with others to save souls from HELL.
The Actual Judgments: The Lord’s Take on People with Attitudes
What is an attitude? It is a way of thinking, or feeling that reflects a person’s outward behaviour. This may be either positive or negative feelings. Many of us fake our true intentions; we either approve of something wholeheartedly or reluctantly, but either way it will affect our behaviour. Attitude can be concealed from others or we may choose to display it openly to convey a message. This then is what the Lord talks about when He says: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9). There are also many other scriptures pointing believers to Godly attitudes which displays the Fruit of the Spirit, kindly consider related Scriptures below.
Many of us have been warned by the Lord not to have attitudes and foul moods. There was one sister who was sent with us to witness. After about two weeks into witnessing, this sister’s behaviour became extremely negative towards us and the work of God. This led her to hatred, gossip and slander. This behaviour affected and hurt many of us, but we decided to leave it in the hands of the Lord through prayer. Soon after the witnessing was completed our Lord Jesus Christ started dealing with this sister.
He pointed out her attitude and how it corrupted her relationship with him and others; He REBUKED her and warned her that she will go to HELL if she does not stop doing wrong. The Lord, in His Judgement of her, removed her from our witnessing team and prayer meetings. I will not mention the punishment meted out by the Lord and the visions the Lord showed Charis. This I am allowed to share; this sister was invited to one of our home-church meetings and the Lord had Charis relate the content and Judgment of the vision in the hearing of everyone. The Lord did this so that others can learn and be warned; as evidenced in the Bible in the examples of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11), and Korah and Dathan (Numbers 16:1-50). There are many other Biblical examples of God’s dealing with rebelliousness, and He always does this show others what might happen to them when they rebel.
It is Sinful to Keep Quiet When Somebody Does Wrong
The Bible declares: “If a person sins because he does not speak up when he hears a public charge to testify regarding something he has seen or learned about, he will be held responsible” (Leviticus 5:1). The Bible also says: “Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbour frankly so you will not share in his guilt" (Leviticus 19:17). Do you need some more Scriptural evidence? Consider the Apostle Paul’s public rebuke of Peter (Galatians 2:11-14). These Scriptures, along with many others, show that we are to oppose error, whether in private or publicly. The TRUTH cannot be made a casualty or be sacrificed to spare people’s feelings. God established His Throne on Justice and Righteousness. I will now briefly share what the Lord taught us through the actions of some of our members regarding rebuking others who act wrongly. This Scripture is also quite relevant to our discussion: “If a person sins and does what is forbidden in any of the Lord’s commands, even though he does not know it, he is guilty and will be held responsible" (Leviticus 5:17).
Just recently, last week in fact, the Lord gave me a serious message through Charis saying:“Your father must not be afraid to rebuke people.” This message came about two weeks after I rebuked a sister in the Lord for teaching error. There was an opportunity to rebuke someone else, but I spared her and The Lord was not happy about that decision; that is why I ended up being rebuked. I was selective in my rebuke and I violated Scripture. I testify the truth here in Christ Jesus: when we, being servants of the Lord, choose to disobey the Word of the Lord in favour of someone’s feelings, we ourselves are guilty and will be held responsible (Leviticus 5:17).
Furthermore, I have been blessed with some material things by some people and I praise the Lord for that; however, I would not allow these gifts to blind me. When someone does not acts in accordance with the Truth, then we who are spiritually minded must restore this guilty person in love, while pointing everyone to the truth that this person ‘sacrificed’. In today’s culture, when you rebuke someone who lives contrary to Biblical truth, we are said to be ‘judging’. I am not suggesting we must go out rebuking just everyone we come across; if we do this we would be looking for trouble! Our rebuke is normally territorial; we rebuke when something directly affects us or others in our immediate environment. Biblically, when something like violence, murder or any other serious sin is committed in or outside our environment, we must uphold the truth by speaking against it ion order to discourage others from committing such sinful acts.
The Lord warned one sister who failed to rebuke her own mother who is born-again, but who acted wrongly towards others. This sister respected her mother more than the Word of God. While her mother knows the truth of God’s Word, she followed man-made customs to exert authority over her daughter. Her daughter was content to allow her to influence her that way. The Lord gave this sister more than five serious messages through Charis for this neglect and sacrifice of truth, including a promise of HELL fire.
People, many of you are not serving the Lord according to the teachings of the Bible! We easily tolerate sin amongst us, and it is acceptable practice in today’s society to commit adultery and fornication, even in the church and amongst the church youth. The spirit of desire for more worldly material things is being encouraged from the pulpit through the prosperity doctrine.
The Lord Jesus Christ who speaks every night to my daughter Charis has repeatedly rebuked all of us, including our immediate fellowship group, of greed, selfishness and ungratefulness. The Lord has defined greed as "having more than what you need" and selfishness as "keeping everything for yourself while others don’t have". The most basic natural Biblical teaching of sharing with others and helping has been replaced with "ask God for more and show off so that others can imitate your 'faith'", which in reality is your selfishness. This teaching is well presented in the church today with Scriptures quoted to justify this evil. Those Scriptures are grossly misrepresented; some use the Gospel to enrich themselves and claim that God has blessed them, while these preachers demand more tithes and offerings from their congregations to support their fancy lifestyles. It is a sin to have an abundance of something when you are a preacher of the Gospel, when you have members in your congregation who don’t have anything of what you have in sufficient supply. You ought to be ashamed! The Bible says that we should ‘share with God’s people in need’ (Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:16; Ephesians 4:28). This teaching was delivered to us with Power through the experience of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11).
In conclusion to this subject, the Bible gives the believer authority to defend the truth, impose correction and rebuke wrong behaviour (2 Timothy 3:16). I will mention a few Biblical writers and our Lord Jesus Christ, who defended the truth and exposed error with God’s full authority and approval.
- The Lord Jesus Christ’ gave a scathing rebuke of the scribes and the Pharisees, the religious authority of the time (Matthew 23).
- Moses in pronouncing God’s Law and judgements to the Israelites warned and rebuked the people that Judgement will follow deviation from the truth (see Book of Deuteronomy).
- The Apostle Paul’s chastisement of the Corinthian church (1 and 2 Corinthians).
- The Apostle James’ rebuke of those who aspire to be teachers of the Word (see the book of James).
- The Apostle Jude and Apostle Peter’s rebuke of scoffers and those who misinterpret Scripture to deceive others into sin, and false doctrines this is reminiscent of today’s situation.
Laziness, Attitudes and Hunger for Power
We must remember that it is a sin to be lazy. The Bible says:"Despite their desires, the lazy will come to ruin, for their hands refuse to work." Proverbs 21:25, "Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest." Proverbs 20:4, "Then you would never be lazy. You would be following the example of those who had faith and were patient until God kept his promise to them." Hebrews 6:12 "Don't be so lazy that you say, "If I go to work, a lion will eat me!" (Proverbs 22:14).
I have been warned myself by the Lord through Charis about laziness, something I denied but later admitted. The Lord has given me and many other believers in our immediate fellowship tasks to do to conquer this evil. How to best conquer laziness is to set tasks for you to do and accomplish it daily. This will keep you occupied and you will experience deliverance from the spirit of laziness. This does not come out by just mere confession; you must be at work physically.
Another major area of concern is [negative] attitudes. This sin is destructive to both the one having it and the one receiving it. This condition brings hatred, and strong feelings of dislike and pride. The Lord has warned one sister severely for her attitude; this almost destroyed our witnessing team and the work we were doing. The Lord Jesus Christ told this sister that she will end up in HELL because her attitude generated gossip, hatred and disobedience. The Lord revealed all these sins and she was rebuked publicly through a powerful vision given to Charis while the person was busy committing these sins. This was both charge along with evidence. This was used by the Lord as an example for all of us to learn and be discouraged from sinning against others. Beloved, please watch your attitude towards others; this generates sins of hatred, gossip and it grieves God’s Holy Spirit. This will affect your prayer life and your relationship with the Lord. I tell you the truth in Christ Jesus: a normal confession is not enough for this sin, you need deliverance! The Lord took this sister through a deliverance session, and we are witnesses and we were fellow participants to this; this was achieved through intensive praise and worship sessions over about 10 hours or more. I will in a separate article touch on deliverance, I will give it to you just the way the Lord taught us, and we were delivered from anger and other demonic bondage.
I would like to conclude with this Scripture: "Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly" (James 3:1). I was severely rebuked by the Lord when I presumed the role of a "Leader" in our witnessing work, prayers and home church. This rebuke hurt me and I lamented this many times; when I went to the Lord in prayer, I would mention it to Him how He hurt me with those words through Charis. It took me a few weeks to recover and regain my confidence. He did that to show me that I am just a servant and that I am not elevated above His Word, because I went against a Word He gave others; this came at a big prize. The Lord Himself said "But you, do not be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren" (Matthew 23:8). Jesus warned the people that they should not imitate the Scribes and the Pharisees at this point. His followers should always remember that “you are all brethren” and that one should not be exalted above others by titles that are either demanded or received.
I therefore encourage you brethren: do not be discouraged to be a normal, humble, God-fearing, child of God! This is the safest way; it is the Lord who will elevate you also, only after He has ordained you and anointed you to serve Him at a given level. He does the calling, not man! I went to Bible school and a fine Theological school, but this only brought Biblical knowledge without FRUITS of a servant and the calling. I am serving you with the Word of God as a fellow servant who received grace "so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize" (1 Corinthians 9:27).
Brother Glenn Van Rooyen
April 25, 2012.