How You Can Live Pleasing to God
‘'… I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do’' (Acts 13:22 NIV).
We are sharing this message again! Now, the Lord is aware that some Christians are craving sin and He recently revealed to us that many have a disregard for His Word as some Christians are openly hating and not willing to forgive. Forgiving others is central to a Christian's salvation (Matthew 6:15; 1 John 4:20) and the Lord said that if we forgive, our light shines on the offending brother or sister for his or her deliverance and salvation. Why are we forsaking our Christian duties and obligations of building up others and caring for the poor? Let our hope of salvation continue to inspire and liberate those who are faithless and hopeless.
This message is an encouragement to Christians to pursue maturity in their faith, and this will help them acquire the necessary spiritual weapons to overcome sin, Satan and problems which often results in so much complaining. Beloveds, it is a tall task for any man to live to please our Heavenly Father. However, God chose and called David and after anointing him, David succeeded King Saul. Despite his mistakes, King David lived pleasing before the Father, and his reward was a richly decorated dynasty (2 Samuel 7:12-13; Matthew 1:1). Briefly, now since people cannot live forever and God’s promise to David was of eternal value, He had to extend it to our Lord Jesus Christ to fulfil the honor of God’s blessing to King David. When we are driven by a love for God, nothing else will matter. What I mean is that we will not seek attention from a man for their approval. Instead, there would be a constant hunger and desire for God (Psalm 73:25).
This message is an encouragement to Christians to pursue maturity in their faith, and this will help them acquire the necessary spiritual weapons to overcome sin, Satan and problems which often results in so much complaining. Beloveds, it is a tall task for any man to live to please our Heavenly Father. However, God chose and called David and after anointing him, David succeeded King Saul. Despite his mistakes, King David lived pleasing before the Father, and his reward was a richly decorated dynasty (2 Samuel 7:12-13; Matthew 1:1). Briefly, now since people cannot live forever and God’s promise to David was of eternal value, He had to extend it to our Lord Jesus Christ to fulfil the honor of God’s blessing to King David. When we are driven by a love for God, nothing else will matter. What I mean is that we will not seek attention from a man for their approval. Instead, there would be a constant hunger and desire for God (Psalm 73:25).
Why did David become a Man after God’s own Heart?
Let us examine the answer to this question from the Scriptures. To qualify to be a man after God’s own heart, we have to love God for being God and not just for what He can do for us (Matthew 22:37). Below we consider just how King David pleased God and undoubtedly,
- King David loved God, and his God-consciousness was an expression of his devotion to God (Psalm 18:1).
- By expressing his love to God, he regularly prayed to God and worshipped Him (Psalm 5:2-3; 55:17; 103:1; 1 Chronicles 29:10-13).
- He trusted and had faith in God (Psalm 25:1; 31:14).
- His devotion was from the heart (Psalm 9:1; 86:12).
- David feared God, and he humbled himself before Him (1 Chronicles 13:12; 119:63; 2 Samuel 12:13).
- He delighted in the will or ways of God (Psalm 18:21-22, 119:174).
- God’s Word was his light and guidance through lives journey (Psalm 119:97-105;).
- He obeyed the Word of the Lord (Psalm 119:67; 71).
Therefore, from the above Scriptural considerations, we find this basic devotional ‘package’ matchless, and this should be the envy of many Christians.
Why some Christians are always Unhappy, Afflicted and Complaining?
From our experiences with the Lord, He told us that He has a simple yardstick to measure the love of Christians for Him, and this has always evident for all to see. Do you want to know what that is? Well, read on!
As a ministry, we are often requested to deal with questions and concerns from many Christians who seek answers from the Lord. With the Lord’s help and guidance, some brethren received deliverance, help and answers to their prayers. Below, we will attempt to explain scripturally why some brethren fail to receive answers to prayer. The Lord has repeatedly pointed out to us that many Christians who fails to receive an answer to their prayers are living in sin. He said they are wilfully disobedient that is why their prayers are not answered (Joshua 7:10-13).
After ministering to people, we would normally pray for them. On some occasions, the Lord would answer some of our prayers on behalf of the people on the strength of our faith. The moment people perceives God answered prayer, they grow dependent on the minister and undermines their faith. In other words, their faith and prayer live switches from live to dormancy. However, this the Lord explained to me, to avoid people becoming too dependent on ministers for answers to their prayers, He would not always answer, because ministers are supposed to empower people to lean on the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Why? In the first place, the Lord does not encourage people to make man their dependence (Jeremiah 17:5; Psalm 118:8-9; Isaiah 31:1). Secondly, some people like shortcuts, they become lazy to pray for themselves to exercise their faith. In a further message, the Lord explained to me that when some people depends on the prayers of others, they surrender their faith to the efforts of others (Exodus 32:1). In other words, people should use their faith and their God-given privilege of approaching the throne of grace themselves (Hebrews 4:16) and this is a call to all Christians and not just to a few. Also, I would like to add; the Bible encourage us to pray for one another (James 5:16; Ephesians 6:18). Brethren, especially those of us who ministers the gospel to others, it is sinful to make others dependent on our prayers with the result that people are no longer praying for themselves and exercising their faith to receive growth, grace, and help from God. We are Scripturally mandated to encourage and teach others to be faith independent regarding our personal obedience and devotion to God (Titus 2:6-15).
As a direct spiritual benefit, the Word of God gives us freedom from the oppressive wishes of others (Ephesians 4:14). This freedom would allow us to hear God for ourselves and follow His lead (John 10:27). Therefore, the aim of helping others is not to run the race for them, but to simply aid them in their walk with God (Ephesians 4:12). As people mature and learn to trust the Lord for themselves, they would develop the joy of the Lord, the employment of God’s Armour (Ephesians 6:10-18) and the character to avoid complaining. Bless you for reading on! And to answer our question on the Lord’s yardstick, He said that people’s faithfulness and consistency is evidence of their love for Him, and this is noticed by all (Daniel 6:10-11). We may also recall Hannah's consistent prayers, year after year she pleaded with God for a child after she realized that her husband could not change her situation but only God, her prayer was heard and answered (1 Samuel 1:6-7; 19-20).
In conclusion, by the Lord’s messages to us, He has always been pleased when Christians expressed obedience and faithfulness to Him. I can recall a message the Lord gave Charis regarding a brother whom the Lord sharply rebuked. The humility the brother expressed by accepting the Lord’s rebuke greatly pleased Him. Can you say the Lord is pleased with your life? And are you a person considered by God to be a man after His own heart? By considering your stand with God right now, would you be able to measure up to the basic devotional package mentioned above? If not, you have work to do and remember your love for God will ensure that your multiple sins are covered in Jesus name. He who loves more has been forgiven more (1 Peter 4:8; Luke 7:47).
If you have a desire to start trusting the Lord today, here is a Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments about this article or our ministry, please contact us.
Grace to you in Christ,
Brother Glenn.