Monday, December 18, 2017

Unity In The Holy Spirit

Self-Will Is Not An Expression Of God’s Will

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3 NIV).

Notice: We are sharing an IMPORTANT Vision and Warning from the Lord here. Also, the vision regarding Mr Cyril Ramaphosa which we shared on 20 August 2017 has now been partially fulfilled. Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ His Words never fails!

The above scripture is the original intention of the Lord that there be unity in the administration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. While the Lord ensures the unity of the Spirit by directing the activities of the Holy Spirit (John 16:14), it is some members of the Body who wants to control how the Spirit of God should operate as is it evident today. Having being exposed to ministry life for more than 15 years, we have observed how certain man and women of God acts up to make the Spirit of God acts according their expectations.

What we mean is this, some ministers motivated by their own desires are in the habit of ‘prophesying’ or saying things and expects the Lord to ‘perform’ through the Holy Spirit. In other words, in a self-inflated authority without humility they ‘obliges’ God to perform whether His will allows or disallows it (1 Corinthians 12:11). Let me briefly share an experience we had a few years ago, my wife and I heard about a certain person who was drugged against his will and this rendered the person in a permanent vegetative state.

As it were, we fasted and prayed for the person for a full month expecting the Lord to answer prayer and heal the person. After all our prayers and petitions we asked the Lord should we continue praying for the person, He responded by saying no. It was our desire to see the person healed but none of the person’s immediate family members had faith to trust the Lord to heal their loved one. Consequently, for reason only known by the Lord Almighty, He did not answer prayer and the person never received healing. As for us, we expressed faith and genuine expectations but in the end, it is the Will of God that must be satisfied.

However, biblically, the Spirit of God is not under any human control and the Spirit hears from the Lord to act as the Bible states, “For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21).

Competitiveness In The Body

Now brethren, kindly allow me to state this, it is sad to see how certain Churches are ‘selling’ the gifts of the Holy Spirit to attract more members and what is a fact is that the members are often blamed for a lack of faith when they are unable to receive what they hoped for. It is true that our lack of faith denies us blessings from the Lord, but we also need to discern if the faith of the person did not rest on the messenger rather than on God (Acts 14:9).

Additionally, there is also a general competitiveness amongst Christians as to the kind of Church they attend, the kind of attire culture and the availability of some entertainment value to appease the flesh (2 Timothy 3:4). In the Lord, a Christian is not defined by how loud we are, or how good we sound, or how best we portrays ourselves, the true hallmark of a servant is expressed in humility, obedience with a consistent attitude of being faithful (Philippians 2:7).

In conclusion, the Lord revealed to me in a vision on the 14 December 2017, that many Christians envy the gifts that others have while they overlook and fails to work on their gift(s) (1 Timothy 4:14). In the vision the Lord also revealed to me that all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are important and these gifts serves His purpose and nobody should disregard the value and importance of any gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:21-31; Romans 12:8).

If you desire to accept Christ as Saviour and Lord we have a suggested Prayer of Sincere Repentance to get you started on a new way of life leading to Eternal life and for any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, you may please contact us.

Blessed Love

Brother Glenn