Monday, August 5, 2019

Warnings From God Almighty

Appeal For Prayer Support

Brethren, for this week we would like to share some of these warnings from the Lord with the prayer that those who holds views contrary to the Word of God will be convicted to live in accordance with God’s Word. Additionally, please continue to pray for this ministry as we will continue to share articles and messages from the Lord right here.

Vision given to Charis (27 July 2019)

I had a vision this morning in which I saw myself laying on my bed with my eyes closed. I could actually feel and see that someone (a human body) was laying next to me. When I turned towards my right I could see through my spiritual eyes the faces of countless people that I know and care about inside this human body. The Lord gave me words and I heard myself saying “God is watching us; we need to get our act together” (Proverbs 15:3; Hebrews 4:13). The vision changed and I found myself standing in a coffee shop when I noticed how people all around me running rampantly from something into all directions. I tried stopping them but to no avail! End of vision.

Vision given to Charis (29 July 2019)

This morning, I had another vision and this time I saw someone I know who is very close to us laying in a coffin who’s funeral it was. While everyone was crying and grieving my attention was drawn to coffin and I could see the deceased person’s eye-balls moving rapidly and her lips twitching. I moved closer to the coffin when I heard the Lord’s voice saying to me, “There is life after death and this person is alive elsewhere” (Hebrews 9:27).

Vision given to Charis (2 August 2019)

Again, on the morning of above date I saw myself with members of my family in a car on our way somewhere. We heard a song (worldly song) playing on the radio and my brother remarked saying “This is it; this is the song I was talking about”. Soon thereafter the vision changed and I was standing in a pub where people were drinking, partying and dancing. Again the scene changed and I saw a man and woman watching something on the television which is forbidden by God. Similarly, the vision changed and I saw a pastor standing alone thinking but I could see in the spirit that he was sinning against the Lord in his mind.

After this vision, the Lord revealed to me that sin is sin and no-one can really categorize or class sin and that God sees sin the same way. As it is, no sin weighs lesser or heaver than other sin. It does not depend whether one being a drunkard, or sinning through one’s mind or being an idle television addict or listening to worldly music. “For the wages of sin is death …” (Romans 6:23), applies to all sin, whether in thought, word, or deed.

Blessed Peace

Brother Glenn and Charis