Monday, September 21, 2020

Underminding The Value Of Testing Times

“These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1 Peter 1:7 NIV).

Do not Fail To Excel In God’s Will In These Times

 Brethren, while it is exciting to know that the coming of our Lord is imminent and curiously we all just eager to read or listen to news relating to such a great event that will usher in our redemption. A few weeks ago the Lord revealed to me that many people (including Christians) feel that their lives are being disrupted by the pandemic and they are eager to resume their lives and some have no desire to get closer to God.

This is what the Lord whispered to me: “They are desiring their former lives of sin and pleasures (Exodus 16:3), they should seek Me more in prayer and fasting during these times of testing so that I can purify them and get them ready for My Kingdom”.

Brethren, many of us have fallen into the trap of misjudging the times; we simply fail to acknowledge the Lord’s testing times and despise His saving grace and blame Him for disrupting our lives (Revelations 3:10; Deuteronomy 8:2).

As a ministry, we have been serving online since 2010 and 20 October 2012 we launched this website and by the Lord’s good grace we are still here serving you. As you know our message to you is original, we copied nobody’s visions or messages. We shared through our conviction as the Lord guided us. For your benefit dear brethren, some did try to label us as false and others tried to make us compromise on our visions which were attested by the Lord Himself to correspond with what they believe but we did not give in to them (Galatians 2:4-6) even after they stopped donating to our ministry. Therefore, money, anger, gossip, false accusations, threats, and insults did not stop us from sharing the truth about our Lord Jesus Christ as He revealed to us in line with the Bible and by His precious grace we are determined to complete our work (Acts 20:24; John 4:34).

Building Up Faith To Destroy spirit Of Doubt

Furthermore, let us cast aside the spirit of doubt and stop sitting in judgment over the faith of others. From our experience and this works all the time, if we pray hard and earnestly as the bible says (1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:17) stay in the Word daily (John 2:5; Psalm 1:1-3; Joshua 1:8) and be obedient (2 Corinthians 2:9) and being clothed in humility, you will be blessed with great faith, discernment and with the knowledge of knowing God’s will otherwise being doubtful brings confusion an unstable Christian life (James 1:8).

Be Prepared For Next Test

In conclusion, we should have discerned as we previously warned that an event that disrupts human will and activity should draw us to God and not lead us to rebel against Him (Numbers 14:1-4). In closing of this encouragement, I would like to boldly predict in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This pandemic is the first of a few more worldwide disruptions before the Lord comes. As you know, we have already predicted that there will be a vaccine soon, and the world will return to ‘normal’ soon and suddenly something else will strike soon after this and about that the Lord will make it clear to us soon and to recap, it is the times of testing and purification…BE ALERT, WATCH, KEEP PRAYING and embrace God’s discipline as He purifies and readies us for the New Jerusalem. We know the worldly Christian don’t take kindly to such disruptiveness, but please consider it as God’s way of shaking the worldliness out of you so only He can remain (1 John 2:15).

If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and be freed from fear, please get started by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. As always, for any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn

Monday, September 14, 2020

Interfering In Other’s Marital vows

God Will Punish Meddlers 

“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Mark 10:9 NKJV).

Warning: We are encouraging the brethren to be watchful in repentance and pray daily as the DAY of the Lord approaches!

Very early this morning (14/09/2020), just after prayers I ask the Lord what I should write about for this week and the Lord reminded me of a vision He showed us last week Friday (11/09/2020) about a deceased woman who was closely related to us and whose funeral we attended recently. While this is a very sensitive matter to us and members of her family, the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us to write an article to warn parents and others NOT to interfere in the marital relations of others in a way of causing the parties to separate.

A few days after her passing on, the Lord revealed to me that this precious woman went to Hell and He gave me some of the main reasons why she went there. Being a businesswoman with influence, the Lord revealed that amongst some of her sins she habitually interfered in the marital affairs of her children causing them to separate because of her strong dislike towards her children’s spouses. It was as if she was demanding her children to get married against their will and to separate from their spouses or she would disown them.

Being a minister of the holy gospel, I counseled her but she made up her mind on what she thought was best for her children. On the day of her passing, she died a humiliating death without peace which was marred by at least six (6) incidents and accidents to ensure she would not escape death on that day (Malachi 2:9). Being family, we have known her to be a generous and kind-hearted person, but the Lord was displeased with her for destroying the lives of her children even going against the sound advice of her husband who pleaded with her not to sow divisions.

Now, brethren, this is a very serious matter in the eyes of the Lord Almighty. It is true that we often interfere either ignorantly or purposely in the marital arrangement of others which may have caused deep divisions amongst the parties that stirred up feelings of bitterness, hatred, and unforgiveness (Romans 14:13). As we know, marriage brings together two families not to interfere but to provide support and godly guidance (Titus 2:4; 1 Corinthians 7:27).

Being A Stumbling Block Causing Family Feuds

Now dear brethren, it is very displeasing and disgraceful to the Lord when a parent(s) interfere in a biased way in the marital relationship of their children (Mark 10:9). We need to be very clear about this matter brethren, it does not matter who is right or wrong, the aim of settling a dispute in a marital relationship is to provide godly guidance to correct while acknowledging the mistake(s) of both parties and by so doing this will earn you the respect of the parties instead of their distrust and dislike(s). Scripturally, Laban who was Jacob’s father in law gave his daughters in marriage to Jacob while he still wanted to have some control over Jacob and his daughters that is why he (Jacob and his family) had to flee from Laban (Genesis 31:1-21). While Laban was in hot pursuit of Jacob, the God of Israel warned him. Naturally, as parents, we often act instinctively in defense of our children while overlooking how they may have contributed to the unfortunate situation. As it is, our aim of intervention should always be to help the couple deal with marital problems in line with the kind of conduct God expects from His children as scripturally provided (Ephesians 4:17-24).

Finally, the bible says we (Christians) must consider how we ought to encourage others in the will of the Lord (Hebrews 10:24-25) and NOT to cause others to stumble and sin against the Almighty Father, we will NOT escape His Judgments if we cause others to fall into sin and disobey the Lord (Luke 17:1; Matthew 18:6). In conclusion, we encourage you not to decide who should or should not marry your children if you do you will be guilty of controlling their God-given will which either gets the Lord’s approval or disapproval (Genesis 4:4-7).

If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and be freed from fear, please get started by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. As always, for any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Grace
Brother Glenn

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Rebellious Christian family

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it” (Proverbs 22:6 NLT). Also, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22 NIV).

Facing Hell For Fearing Children

APOLOGY! Dear Brethren please accept our humble apology for the late posting of this week's article. Our country have been experiencing some power outages which hindered internet connectivity and this has affected our work. Be blessed as you read today's message.

Recently, a mother was involved in a serious vehicle accident which almost robs her of her life. After hearing of the incident my wife and I visited the family to express our sympathy and love. Now, with the sensitivity respect, and love this precious family deserves, the mother explained to us her ordeal and a close encounter with death. In her experience, she explained to us that she lost consciousness and entered into some thick darkness and the Lord called her back to life to our and her family’s delight.

However, the Lord revealed to us although this particular sister in the Lord professed to be saved and born-again, she would have gone to HELL because instead of her encouraging her children in the Lord she helps them in their sin and disobedience towards the Lord and their father and this was displeasing to Him. Because of her fear of losing her children’s respect and love, she gives them money to indulge in cigarettes, liquor, and other things. Thus, if we show more fear of losing our children in obedience to God we are not worthy to enter into His Kingdom (Matthew 19:29; Luke 10:16). Therefore, God’s will be done over rejection and ostracization!

What Causes Family Disunity?

Brethren, this is a very important message from the Lord which many families have neglected and paid the consequences of a divided, rebellious, and broken family situation. From the onset, there was and never will there be a perfect Christian family, due to the complexities of the human personality and the presence and influence of demons and sin (Romans 7:15; Ephesians 2:2). However, this does not mean that we have to lean on such excuses; it has been proven that sin can be overcome and through perseverance and hardships many godly families have experienced the power of God’s Grace (Genesis 4:7; Job 42:12). It is worth mentioning, Job did face a family crisis and rebellion from his wife (Job 2:9-10), but he was resolute in his commitment to God accepting the challenge to face hardship with the joy of getting to explore God’s grace, power, and judgments (Job 19:25-27).

I recently had an intense discussion with a family man who had been experiencing a rebellion in his family home. In our discourse, he explained to me how his ‘God-fearing’ wife would swear and disrespect him in front of their children who led to his children disrespecting, disobeying, and undermining his authority as a father. He further explained how this caused him pain, embarassment and great discouragement and we can guarentee you dear brethren, the Lord see the pain we inflict onto others and He will be their defender (Luke 18:7; Exodus 22:22-23). In other words, his wife played the role of father as well since he was not allowed to rebuke or correct his children and if he does the children would report him to their mother who shows no restrain to her generous and abusive tongue.

Brethren, it is very displeasing to the Lord if a husband and wife swop leadership roles in the family set up or when the father or mother bad-mouth each other to their children seeking justification for inappropriate conduct is equally destructive to a godly family. We have witnessed that too many father have become house-keepers either by choice or through economic situations and that led to their wives being the family heads resulting in a dysfunctional and strife-torn family situation where the wife runs the family and often the father’s functions without that God-given fatherly authority (Ephesians 6:4) and this does not matter whether the father or mother is employed or unemployed, what counts is a united, God-fearing and God-serving family (Joshua 24:15).

Showing Care For Children’s Salvation

Furthermore, fathers and mothers could also learn from Job who showed himself of being a God-conscience man who had the salvation and spiritual well-being of his children at heart when he made intercession for them before God by offering prayers and sacrifices on their behalf (Job 1:4-5). Being a father myself, I have learned that we have to face and defeat many forces to help our children overcome their spiritual battles. Acknowledging though, that such battles are not just won through the rod of discipline (Proverbs 23:13) but through prayer, love, patience, and continuous reminders to our children what God requires of them (Ecclesiastic 12:14). We need to emphasize, not the classroom psychology or worldly ways but God’s way secures God’s grace to salvation (1 John 5:11-12).

Finally, If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and be freed from fear, please get started by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. As always, for any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn