Monday, December 20, 2021

Leaning On God For Everything

Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit” (Jeremiah 17:5-8 ESV).

Again, we read words of faith from King Asa saying: “Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said, "LORD, there is no one besides You to help in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength; so help us, O LORD our God, for we trust in You, and in Your name have come against this multitude. O LORD, You are our God; let not man prevail against You" (2 Chronicles 14:11 NASB).

Brethren, this teaching that the Lord gave us to share with you this week has been well proclaimed by distinguished men and women of God. We will not take a different approach; we will, however, share with you how God delivered us from dependence on man. The Lord revealed to us that here are truly God-fearing and obedient people following His teachings on this website. He further said, many are impatient concerning His coming and that we should just pray, study His word for fruit bearing and witness. In addition, the Lord said many people despise these basic teachings which are aimed to build and foster a relationship with Him. When I asked the Lord in prayer why some people only focus on the visions He gives us on this website, He said it’s because they think they have nothing to learn from the teachings, but there is always room in each person to learn about Him. Furthermore, we shared with you in the past what the Lord said: that any message from Him, whether through us or others, should be appreciated and it is given for the benefit of mankind in obedience to Him. Let me hasten to clarify that I am not preaching dependence on man’s teaching; like the Lord, I strongly encourage Bible reading.

Anyhow, today’s message is intended to put your focus on God. The man of God Nehemiah acted on his faith in God when he decided to approach King Artaxerxes to grant him permission to go rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1; 2). He prayed, knowing that the God of his fathers is forever faithful, and after prayer God granted his request. Without going into much detail, every request Nehemiah asked of the King was given. He went to Judah and work began and even against strong opposition they completed their work (Nehemiah 2; 6).

Likewise, the apostle Paul, when he was attacked and challenged by the Jewish authorities (Acts 21:27-40), did not forsake his faith and run to the brethren for help. He trusted in God and defended the message God gave him to deliver. The Lord promised to be with him (Acts 18:9-10). These examples and many others are proof to show that God is faithful and trustable in ALL circumstances.

Faith and Obedience Are Key to God’s Deliverance

I am going to turn to some personal experiences I and others had with the Lord. The years 2007 and 2009 were the most challenging times of my life. In a nutshell, I was unemployed in both these years and naturally, when we are unemployed, our dependence shifts to men. I praise the Lord that I went through this unpleasant experience. It was bitter in every respect and frustration briefly separated me from my family. During this time, all doors seemed to have been locked for me. I tried everything including the Lord. As I briefly allude in a previous article, Prayer is the Key to Solving All Problems – Part I, we stood on the verge of losing our house, I attended a Bible school course and because I could not pay, the pastor had me work at his church painting and cleaning, and my compensation was used to pay my tuition. Brethren, I don’t mean this with evil motives; I simply want to highlight how serious my problem was. Before the pastor decided to give me chores at his church, I came to Bible school as usual and just before the evening’s lecture, the pastor handed out text books to the rest of the class and I was skipped. Almost immediately, everybody looked at me. They knew I was not employed and had no income to pay for my tuition. I sat motionless not knowing where to hide myself. I felt rejected and I quipped under my breath, “Lord, is this really happening?” During all this time the pastor avoided eye contact with me. After sitting through the lecture for a few minutes, I could not contain myself, so I took my bag and left.

When I got home my wife asked why I was early, so I related my experience to her. She was stunned and added this experience to our existing sorrows. Later that night, my wife advised that we pray and ask the Lord for help because she knew I really wanted to complete my Bible school training. The following day I contacted the pastor asking him if I could at least take the semester exams, which were due in a week’s time. I praise the Lord; this midnight prayer worked on the pastor and he called me and suggested I do some work to compensate for my studies. If we did not pray and trust in the Lord, the humiliating experience I had would have kept me back, but God sent me right back, and I humbled myself and went.

In a separate situation, my pastor who knew I was unemployed, promised to speak to someone she knew and who could arrange for me to get a job. I took her word and I started trusting God for a job through the promise she gave me. I am still waiting; this promise never materialised until I realized I trusted in the pastor’s promise, and not on God. When we don’t have faith, it is easy to trust in people more than God. In the Bible school incident, and prior to us praying, I trusted on the pastor’s compassion of which he didn’t have, until we prayed and the Lord moved him (Proverbs 29:25). Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!

In yet another situation, we turned to many other people for help including our parents; they all deserted us. Not only did we struggle to put food before our children, but we lived in fear of losing our house at any time. The greatest fear that tormented me was not just losing our house, but losing my family. Brethren, if we trust in people God cannot help us; these experiences resulted in some bitter feuds with my wife. As it is, since I had nowhere to go and no one to turn to for help. I went into my room and I called upon my God in bitterness of spirit. I cried, “Lord, if You are there, then only you can help me!” I sought the Lord earnestly in prayer and this even led me to take Charis, who was only nine (9) years old at the time, as a prayer partner. This experience is very sacred to us and it makes me emotional; for many nights we prayed and read the scriptures, making God our only hope for survival until the Lord’s surprise visit to us on January 25, 2010. Although, this did not mean now our problems disappeared; we still lived in want. The Lord wanted us to trust in Him and as our focus turned from trusting in human compassion, He taught us to trust in Him. Gradually, we learned and prayed trusting Him personally for all our needs. We don’t have earthly riches, nor do we desire it. We are rich in Christ and He supplies all our daily basic needs; this is our simple trust in God.

In conclusion, do you trust in people using your faith in men? Or do you only have faith in a religion, but not in God? If you trust in religion, then you are trusting in man and are dependent on man. If this is the case, you will be controlled by man. This is disobedience folks; the above scriptures warn us not to trust in the arm of flesh, but in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5-8). I am not suggesting we should not ask for help when there is a need; habitual help is dependence on man. I need to clarify another point here; the Lord told us that He assigned people in the body to provide for the needs of His children as a right from Him. These He assigned to the work of the “altar”, so they must live from the fruit of their ministry and service to Him and man (1 Corinthians 9:11-14). This is by no means dependence on man; it is God’s command.

Finally, our salvation should not depend on people, a ministry or some priest; if we have surrendered to all these in disobedience to the written word of God and the Holy Spirit, then we becomes slaves of man. The truly God-trusting person will first listen and follow God’s counsel more than what man says (Acts 5:29).

Holy Regards,

Brother Glenn.

Monday, December 13, 2021

How To Overcome The Flesh

Ministering To The Body Of Believers

“For you need endurance, so that after you have done God's will, you may receive what was promised” (Hebrews 10:36 HCSB).

This week’s article is an encouragement to the brethren to persevere in this race of faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). The Lord led me to write this message and use a brother’s testimony to encourage the brethren who are overwhelmed by sin, falsehood, and weaknesses to cleanse through the Blood of the Lord their filth garments and persevere to inherit God’s Kingdom. As a ministry, we often received some emails from folk around the world who details their struggles against sin and various stumbling blocks. While listening with a sympathetic ear, we would offer prayers and encouragement, and being encouraged too by our fellow brethren’s struggles we shared the unity in faith and spirit (2 Corinthians 1:4). It is true; the body of believers is strengthened by the struggles others endure in the name of the Lord Jesus as the above scripture declares.

Sin Hinders Perseverance

In all God’s dealings with humans, He laid down two paths (Deuteronomy 30:19; Matthew 7:13-14; 24-27; Romans 6:23; Matthew 25:46) and to obey or disobey (Genesis 3:2). Similarly, we could choose to follow the Lord and endure or we could choose to abandon our walk with God. I would also like to add when we all first came to the Lord, and like the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, we each received a unique load of troubles that we should either persevere and endure or live the wrong and solve our problems through worldly means (Acts 9:16; 2 Timothy 3:12; James 4:4).

We are going to share an experience a God-fearing man shared with us recently and we could all learn from some of his experiences. The brother explained how the sinful desires he had after giving his life to the Lord started leading him away from the Lord. He further explained how a burning desire to sin became addictive and uncontrollable and this particular sin opened the door for many other serious sins that left the brother completely powerless.

In other words, the dominion of sin in his life (Brother Fred, not real name) made him a slave to the dictates of sin (Genesis 4:7). By baring his soul, Brother Fred explained how he lost his appetite for prayer, witnessing, and Church services. While he still has a fear for God, his heart like King Solomon was driven to the pleasures of sin (1 Kings 11:3-8). In his distress, our Brother Fred has turned to the Church of God and he is appealing to all of us for prayer. As he explained his faith has been rocked and he lost all his spiritual weaponry that is why he said that he has been operating between sinning and repenting without any commitment and back again to sinning. In his own words, he explains that he is basically backslidden with a thin layer of faith remaining.

Fight The Good Fight Of Faith

Brethren, our intent is not to ridicule but to encourage others who reached this level of spiritual weakness in their faith, to turn to a trusted brother or sister in Christ for encouragement and counseling like our dear brother Fred has done. It could be easy for him to simply just give up and be lost (Hebrews 10:39) but he is concerned about his soul and eternal destiny. Being determined not to give up but to persevere, our brother Fred feels that he still have a fighting chance to reclaim his honor in Christ, not by his strength which failed him but by the grace he will receive from the Lord like Joshua and the prodigal son (Zechariah 3:2-7; Luke 15:11-32). In a confident statement, our brother Fred vowed to ask the Lord to help him endure one day at a time (Matthew 6:34).

In conclusion and given to brother Fred’s experience, we prayerfully hope to encourage our fellow brethren to pray, endure the pressure of our share of sufferings, minimize complaining as it displeases the Lord and leads us into sinning and to speak to a trusted, Spirit-led child of God to encourage and pray with you and share the pain of your burden (Numbers 11:17; Galatians 6:2). So then, if we preserve in our faith and the pain of our load we will emerge as more than conquerors (Romans 8:31-39).

If you would like to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please start by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Regards

Brother Glenn

Monday, November 29, 2021

Being Foolish

Briefly, the Lord has commanded that we write an article about foolishness and we know if a person acts foolishly such a person acts against Godly wisdom. We should realise that foolishness is being worldly. The Lord recently told us that, "Everything a human being does wrong is worldliness", and undoubtedly that is an act of foolishness (1 Samuel 13:13). As you may have noticed through all our articles, we don’t write on things that promote sectarianism or church denominations, which are often the things that divide the Body of Christ. Instead, we concentrate on things that build up and unite the Body under the umbrella of truth. As members of the Body of Christ, we are appointed by the Lord to point out error in the Church and in love share correction to STOP the spread of the spirit of folly, which is out to divide and ultimately destroy.

In this article, we will be brief and to the point. Biblically, folly is simply plain silliness, carelessness, hastiness in speech (answering before listening), wickedness or easily being led astray (Proverbs 10:14; 14:15; 18:13; 1 Samuel 25:25; Matthew 25:2; 2 Corinthians 11:16-20). Folly begins early in life, and if not addressed through discipline, correction and repentance, it can continue to grow (Proverbs 22:15) and eventually lead to death (Proverbs 5:23). The Bible authors mainly refer to the use of foolishness as man’s accountability to God (Psalm 69:5). This is applied to those who rely entirely on their own understanding and ability instead of relying on God. In addition, a person’s folly may sometimes lie in his inability to perceive truth or things (Luke 11:40; 1 Corinthians 15:36). Through foolishness, we can make unworthy choices that can result in eternal and irreversible consequences (Luke 12:20; Romans 1:21; Matthew 25:10-13).

In being foolish, a fool decides that there is no God (Psalm 14:1), while the order of things in creation points to a Wise mind behind it (Romans 1:20-21). We look at things made by man, and upon deeper understanding into the facts, we realise that the thing makes perfect sense.

Furthermore, the Bible says that the greatest fools are those whom we consider as wise in this world. They despise and mock God’s way of salvation through Christ’s death on the cross to be foolish (1 Corinthians 1:18-24). By considering God’s work of salvation as foolish, we are displaying ignorance. The salvation we enjoy is based on a wisdom that is simply beyond human capacity to understand fully (1 Corinthians 1:25).

A foolish person is someone who fails to recognise their own mistakes and accept God’s correction (2 Peter 2:15-16). The good news is that that the Word of God has been given as an antidote to immoral living and foolishness (Psalm 19:7-11). Knowing that sin of various kinds is the power behind foolishness, but when we adjust to the Word of God we add wisdom that results in peace for us (Romans 2:5-11). Finally, friends please refrain from directly calling someone “foolish” or “fool” because the Lord considers it as an abusive term; I received a similar rebuke last week for calling someone a “fool” (Matthew 5:22). The Scriptures clearly advise us that if we fail to cling on to the Lord Jesus Christ by obeying Him, we are acting foolish: “Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on the rock. The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of Mine and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. And its collapse was great!” (Matthew 7:24-27).

Paradoxes and Admonitions

It is foolish to conclude a matter before considering all available options (Proverbs 18:17).

It is foolish and to a person’s disadvantage to reject the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ when you have never accepted Him as Saviour (Galatians 2:21).

It is foolish to deny the existence of God if you are not sure about His existence, your choice of denying His existence is based on ignorance, than actual proof; this is folly! Try faith and wise up to see Him both within and outside of you (1 Corinthians 2:14). Like Job, don’t speak before you have God's Wisdom to understand His Judgements (Job 42: 1-6).

It is foolish to brand the Bible as uninspired and untrue when you were not there to verify its authenticity. Can you verify that the Bible is not God’s Word when you were not present when He revealed Himself to the witnesses? (Job 38:1-41) Can the testimony of 40 plus witnesses over a period of more than 1600 years be untruthful? Yet most judicial systems may convict on the evidence of only one witness? The point we make is attestation! It is a folly to ignore the truth of the Bible if it is intended to give us a message of hope and eternal life.

It is foolish to make Christ out to be a liar regarding all He stands for in truth if you have not experienced Him (John 8:46).

It is foolish to say there is no life after death when God says there is (John 3:16). Were you there and came back to say there is no life? This is to your disadvantage to believe likewise, for you will never have another opportunity to correct your ways. Believe now and enter into eternal life, rather than eternal condemnation and shame (Hebrews 9:27, 2 Timothy 4:1, Revelation 20:12-15).

It is foolish to question or argue against God when you do not have the ability to stand up against Him (Job 38:1-41, 42:1-16).

It is foolish to insist you acted right when God the Judge and Creator of mankind condemns your actions (John 8:16).

It is foolish to say Jesus Christ did not rise from death when those who were eyewitnesses to the event say so. People would rather believe any historical account, but despise the historical evidence provided in the Bible (1 Corinthians 15:5-8). Does this not give evidence of a future life? Denying Christ through doubt and unbelief is rejection of eternal life (John 3:16-18; John 3:36).

It is foolish and rebellious to misrepresent the Scriptures to justify wrong behaviour; are you not acting as Judge over God’s word and using it as a tool to cause your own fall (2 Peter 3:14-18; John 5:39-40). Agree with the Scriptures to reform your ways for in obedience is God’s reward, but rebelliousness bring His wrath (Hebrews 10:38-39).

Obey God, act wisely, shun foolish talk and bad choices, avoid dishonest behaviour; God is not pleased with it. Make a humble choice like the man who build his house on solid ground (Matthew 7:24-27). Faith, obedience and holy living secure Heaven entry!

While the Bible verses mentioned above pertaining to foolishness are by no means exhaustive on this subject, you can gain further understanding on this subject by studying the Bible verses on wisdom.

To accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please pray this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments about this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed hope and peace to you in this season of reflection upon Christ,

Brother Glenn.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Why Do People Sin In Secret?

Being Weak Requires Us To Resist Sin

“He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion” (Proverbs 28:13 NIV). "...for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known".

Brethren, this week's article essentially appeals to born-again Christians and being the minister on this platform, it was revealed to us by the Lord that there are some Christian folk in general who sins shamelessly in secret. In a vision, I heard the Lord saying about those who sin in secret, "For that is when sinful behaviour is utterly expressed and when human desire is being fulfilled".  Did you ever hear somebody say, “I am just human and I am weak, so I sinned”? This is a very common excuse that most of us we make after we opted to disobey the Lord and commit a sinful offence, isn’t it? Well, it is true, we are weak and just human, but the word of the Lord says, “Woe to those who deeply hide their plans from the LORD, And whose deeds are done in a dark place, And they say, "Who sees us?" or "Who knows us?" (Isaiah 29:15). Brethren, by writing these articles does not mean that we are not human or have struggled against the deceitfulness of sin, instead of being in this sinful body (Romans 7:24) requires us to be on our guard against the deceitfulness and addictions of sinful habits. As Christians, we have been called to wage war against sinful desires by not giving in to its passions of lusts (Galatians 5:16-17).

Our Daily Struggle Against Sin

Scripturally, we are not guaranteed a smooth path without any hindrance from sin (Genesis 4:7), we are however commanded to master it (1 Corinthians 9:27) and such mastery over sin comes through a consciousness of sin's presence and tempting advances. You may ask, how do I recognize that I am about to sin? Sin is driven by our desires and urges and it appeals to what may benefit our physical nature (James 1:14-15), also our urges defies all logic and authority, and being opportunistic, sin often creates inflated feelings with strong urges to gratify the passions we experience at the opportunity. To present a point with a strong argument, urges and passions to sin are always present in us, however, the Holy Spirit who convicts us, helps us overcome sin (Ephesians 5:18-21). Furthermore, we need to add, sin operates much more powerful when there is no restraint, in other words, sin is laid bare and operates unashamedly when it happens in secret (Ephesians 5:12) and every Christian who loves sinning operates in the dark (secretly) (John 3:20). Below, we share a short testimony of a brother who sinned secretly, take heed and be warned!

Additionally, with permission, a very close brother whom I greatly admire in the Lord recently shared with me how the Lord gave him a strong rebuke for sinning secretly. In his experience, brother J recalled how he opened his soul to shameful and appalling sin in secret and the more he realized that nobody was seeing him the more he engaged in this sickening habit. He further described that the more he indulged, the more his soul yearned for more and more, and after the defilement of his righteous soul, he felt guilty and the urge to repent like Adam and Eve in the Lord’s garden (Genesis 3:8) and after repenting, he did not escape the Lord’s rebuke.

Now, without giving too much detail he said that the Lord appeared in a vision to him and told him that he acted flippantly and that he did not take his salvation serious and the Lord further told him that he may have deleted those offensive files from his notebook, but the guilt of his conscience cannot be erased or deleted. Brethren, we can tell that this brother is living very close to the Lord and the rebuke he received from the Lord is proof that his actions greatly displeased and hurt the Lord.

In closing, are you operating in the dark (secretly) and flippant at the expense of your salvation? We urge you not to allow the secret addiction(s) of sin to drive you underground and away from the love of the Lord. Like our brother J, repent and join the light to receive favor and forgiveness (2 Corinthians 4:6; John 8:12). Therefore, let us not allow the weakness of our disobedient attitude as an excuse to sin.

Finally, if you are not yet born again, here is a Prayer of Sincere Repentance to get you started. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Brother Glenn

Monday, October 4, 2021

Accepting Rebuke From God

Important: We are sharing a short but powerful vision from the Lord at the end of this article, and also under our Visions Section.

Brethren, it is a great honour and privilege to hear from the Lord Jesus Christ the way we do. I am not mentioning this grudgingly, but with much appreciation and humility. This privilege has its own cross and from the articles you will learn that in all the love the Lord has for us; He expresses His Holiness to us through the rebukes we receive from Him.

There are people who wish that we are wrong on our testimony and witness so that they may be free to return to wicked living. The Lord told us that many people consciously follow deceptive teachings and doctrines because they think that is a way out for them to indulge in wickedness. In other words, when a church or denomination overlooks certain sins (which sometimes are simply sugarcoated as "issues") and does not preach against them, people become more comfortable with that message while they continue to live in their sins. This leads to a fruitless life in Christ and He has no use for them in His service (Matthew 3:10). The Lord Jesus Christ says they are selective in their obedience to Him, and such selective obedience will only earn such people His wrath (Romans 1:18; Romans 2:5-11).

Our Confession and Testimony

Therefore, for your edification, our testimony is from the Lord and nothing the Lord ever has told us or others proved to be false. So then, we say to the whole world our testimony and message is directly from the Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah of the world who died on Calvary, rose from death and ascended to the highest Heaven, and is now seated at the Right Hand of God the Father. This confession and testimony is true, reliable and from God. We are appointed to testify to what we hear and see the Lord do in our lives. He Himself proves to you that it is Him, Christ Jesus speaking by the mighty visions we share with you as He makes them available.

The Lord Rebukes the Heaven Bound

“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastens everyone He accepts as His son” (Proverbs 3:11-12).

Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as His children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, true sons and daughters at all. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of Spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in His holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:6-11 HCSB).

Anyone, who claims to hear from the Lord and lives a double life and being purposely disobedient to the Lord is a liar. With this, I am not saying we are perfect; surely we are not! The Lord does not encourage disobedience, neither does He reward us for being disobedient. We have made this point clear in the Blessings From The Lord article. Briefly, I mentioned that the Lord does not bless the disobedient, nor does He continue speaking to those who despise His Word (1 Samuel 28:15; Psalm 18:26; Deuteronomy 28:15).

We also mentioned that the Lord knows a heart that has an appetite for sin and He knows when our motive is deliberate or if we sin in ignorance or by mistake.

Back in 2010 when the Lord started speaking to us, at first He used to allow us to live our lives the way we used to. Admittedly, we led a pretty religious lifestyle, worldly, lukewarm, and sinning deliberately as the opportunity presented itself. Are you familiar with this? Of course! We all do take advantage of God’s forgiving nature, so we sin and bank on asking the Lord to forgive us later, only to repeat sinning again. After the Lord established this ministry, He commanded a sister who used to fellowship with us and attend our services to pray and fast for two (2) weeks. Without divulging the nature of her problem, she had some grave struggles with faith and personal sinful issues. After her fasting, the Lord revealed the problems to her condition. From a human point of view, the message the Lord gave her sounded very embarrassing. This led her to question the Lord and to have an endless pity party. Brethren, let me caution you frankly: The Lord is not happy with Christians who are pitying themselves, for self-pity results in rebelliousness against the Lord (see Self-Pity and Our Relationship with God article). He has rebuked countless people who pitied themselves.

Furthermore, after this sister’s rebuke and so that we might not feel proud looking down on her as if judging her, the Lord started to give each one of us in this family and ministry a message of rebuke to humble us before Him. He did so to prove to us that no one is righteous and innocent before Him (Romans 3:10-12; 2 Chronicles 6:36). In this way, we are taught not to look down on others but that we have weaknesses ourselves. Therefore, the many brothers and sisters who got Word of rebuke from the Lord through Charis can rest assure we are even more humbled than you, because that serves as a warning to us not to boast (2 Corinthians 10:17).

Rejecting God’s Rebuke Means No Heaven

The Lord showed us in Scripture that no matter how mighty and powerfully He might use a person, no one is above His correction (Mark 8:33; Luke 9:37-56; Numbers 12, 20:12). I have had people writing to me disputing a vision or message the Lord gave concerning some pastor or prophet. These people believed our testimony and even got word for themselves from the Lord proving their works, but the moment the person they favour is being exposed for some error, they blame me and say that word is not from God. They would offer no evidence to prove God wrong nor Charis because she does not even know the people God is rebuking. She, like all God’s prophets, just obeys by saying what she has heard and seen (Acts 4:20).

My wife and I are often at the receiving end of rebukes from the Lord. When the Lord announces through Charis that He would bring me or anyone else a message, with it He lays a heavy burden of fear for Him in our hearts and that in itself is a torment more than the actual rebuke. Those who can identify with the rebukes from the Lord can testify that it stings… Ouch! But once you humble yourself, repent and obey, the Lord changes you, you bear fruit, and are filled with joy. Humbling accepting rebukes has eternal benefits, as the Scriptures declare: “Come, and let us return to the Lord; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up” (Hosea 6:1 NKJV). “Blessed is the one whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty" (Job 5:17 NKJV).

I must mention this: there were some brethren who welcomed and whole-heartedly accepted good messages of encouragement from the Lord, but some of them became silent after receiving a word of correction from the Lord. This is childish and self-righteous; we must be humble and childlike in taking a scold from the MOST HIGH. He does not criticise us like people do; HE CORRECTS US. THE JUDGE SET US RIGHT WITH HIM WHEN HE ISSUES A LOVING REBUKE (Proverbs 3:11-12). The Lord recently rebuked a pastor who demanded an answer from Him. The Lord was not pleased with Him and He earned himself a stinging rebuke. He did not take it well and that was very dishonourable against the Lord. While this pastor was not the only one who ever scorned the Lord’s rebuke, we do expect servants of God who serve the Word to others to be humble and submissive to the Lord. As it is, the Lord has established this ministry as a global messenger of His word and rebukes; the pastors, prophets and all those whom the Lord has warned elsewhere on this website should heed the voice of the Lord and repent. He is rebuking them out of love and concern for the flock not to be led astray.

Finally, I was myself rebuked severely by the Lord for not appreciating His messages. To my delight, He told Charis not to be afraid but to continue to take His message to me so that He can get me into Heaven. Brethren, as hard as this message hit my ego, I submitted to the Lord knowing my entry into Heaven depended on my obedience to Him and not my knowledge (Hebrews 12:14). Honestly, there was a time when I felt “persecuted” by the Lord due to the many rebukes I received. There were even times when I felt like leaving the ministry, but like Jonah I discovered where can I hide from the Lord and my sins (Jonah 1:17). Through it all, I have learned to appreciate the Lord’s rebukes no matter how I feel; it is meant for my salvation. While I am alive to preach the gospel and to testify about Christ Jesus, for no credit to myself, I will use the Lord’s discipline of me to save everyone who aspires to make it to Heaven (Proverbs 24:11).

Apart from me there are many brethren both here in South Africa and abroad who took some serious rebukes from the Lord with remarkable humility, and in one of my own rebukes the Lord commended these brethren. Therefore, consider the Lord’s rebuke of kings and prophets (2 Samuel 12:13; Jeremiah 28:15-17)some yielded and got deliverance, but those who rejected God’s rebuke missed His glory.

In conclusion, I pray that you will take the Lord’s rebukes seriously through these teachings. The Lord's love should be our motivation to humbly and gracefully accept correction from the Him, just as Peter kept loving Jesus in spite of the harsh rebukes that He received from the Lord (Mark 8:33; John 21:17). As Jesus Himself said: "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne (Revelation 3:19-21 NIV).

Vision about Jehovah Witnesses

“On the 25th of June 2014 after our 06:30 a.m. prayer time, I (Charis) had a vision from the Lord. I saw myself standing outside in our yard on a fine and sunny day. I was playing with our dog outside when I noticed two men (Jehovah’s witnesses) standing by our gate. In their appearance, these men looked very old, tired and used.

As I approached the gate, they left in a hurry. Suddenly the Lord put words in my mouth and I heard myself saying to them in a loud voice: “I am a born-again Christian and I believe in the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ!” The Lord made me hear what was in their hearts as they simultaneously replied: “We are tired of hearing that story over and over again; the ‘Jehovah’s’ [Watchtower Movement] are wearing us out”. End of vision!

Interpretation of Vision

The Lord is calling people who are caught up in the Jehovah’s Witness religion to repent and come to Him. The Lord says their appearance shows their lack of life and the Holy Spirit. The Lord says they must STOP rejecting the Scriptures and following the deceptive teachings of their leaders. The Lord says even though some of them are tired of having their message rejected and hearing the truth being confessed to them, they still just continue in their false beliefs.

Blessed Grace,

Brother Glenn.

Monday, September 20, 2021


 How Satan Uses Fear To Manipulate Us

New article coming tomorrow, 28/09/2021

Notice: Our Brother Andrew: It is with humility that our Brother Andrew Tyler-Whiteman is from the beautiful Country of Australia and like we said previously, this brother is a faithful servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have been enjoying a great fellowship with him over the years of the existence of this ministry and the Lord is pleased with his contribution to this ministry. We thus appeal please pray for him and his family and appreciate his humble contribution to the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Brothers and Sisters, we know this topic has been covered before in this blog but I feel the need to talk about this again highlighting this that we did not discuss. The definition of the word 'fear' according to the online webster dictionary means, 'an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger, or a profound reverence and awe especially toward God or anxious concern or some reason for alarm'.

2.       Now as you can see that three of the definitions of fear cited here are being easily used by the Devil to cause us to worry and panic about our own lives or the lives of our family or being concerned about other things (Mark 4:19). As it is, fear also causes us to make rash decisions that could affect our eternal souls which is why the Devil uses fear. We know from the scriptures that when Job was tested the element of fear was all around and he did not panic and threw the confidence he has in the Lord away, instead, he accepted his situation and stayed the cause and he overcame (Job 1:21).

However, the definition we need to be most familiar with is that which leads us to salvation in the Lord., and we would further refine this definition to include “Reverence and awe only toward God because of His Power and Authority”.

From the scriptures, we read that the Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10; 19:23; Psalm 111:10). Therefore, by learning to fear the Lord by being submissive to His will we are building our faith in GOD and faith is the antidote to fear (1 John 4:18). It's a fact, fear of death brings about fear but knowing the Lord Jesus Christ we no longer need to fear death and the devil has nothing to threaten or intimidate us with anymore (Hebrews 2:9; 14,15).

Furthermore, the Lord Jesus declared, 'For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it' (Matthew 16:25 NIV). Knowing that we are in the end-times will we be truly ready, willing, and able to lay down our lives for the Lord when that choice will be presented to us? Well, the DAY of testing will separate the faithful from the fearful (John 16:32). 

In conclusion, let us learn and study The Fear of the Lord, as believers in Christ Jesus this is the only Fear that should be occupying our thoughts, minds, and souls

Eternity is a very long time and only the Lord can help get us there, do not let fear of man or the fear of losing your life in this world keep you from eternity.

Prepare yourselves to walk away from all worldly possessions and at times we may need to leave our family as well. This is hard for many people and the more you have the harder it will be to walk away but Jesus did say (Matthew 6:19-20) not to lay up treasures for yourself on earth but lay up for yourself treasure in Heaven for where your treasure is there is your heart also. Let our Hearts be heavenward.

It will eventually come to the point (If we are still here on earth and not raptured out of here) where we will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16-18 ), As we have been warned previously we must refuse this, so I ask what is the point of building any sort of wealth here on earth when the antichrist is just going to come and take it away? Are we not better to lay up for ourselves treasure in Heaven, where no one can take away our rewards (Matthew 6:19-20). 

Presented with humility

Brother Andrew and reviewed by Brother Glenn



Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Does God Punish His Children?

Godly Discipline Results In Godly Fear 


Notice: Our articles will still be available on a Monday, we apologize for any inconvenience and kindly continue to pray for Claudia since the Lord started speaking to her she has been experiencing attacks from the devil and that is something the Lord said she would have to endure.

VISION OF HELL by Claudia (12/09/2021).

I had a vision from the Lord this morning, I saw myself with four other ladies standing on some balcony of a huge building with a stairway going down. The Lord appeared in a cloud in the air and said to us, "I want you to experience a full day in Hell". Almost immediately after the Lord's words, I found myself walking down these stairways, and as I descended further down I noticed a very dark place, and as we entered it a sulfuric or atomic mixed with rotten eggs or rotten flesh smell came from there. 

This smell was so toxic I struggled breathing and sobs to breathe and it seems there was no fresh air to breathe. I Lord still in the cloud provided a shade of light just enough for us to see. I saw all kinds of animal kind of creatures, which by their appearance looked evil. These beings could talk, but I was unable to hear what they were saying, they were laughing and tried coming towards us but could not reach us. 

After just a few minutes, I prayed and pleaded with the Lord to take me out as I could not endure being in that place, and that's when I woke up and the vision ended!

A few months ago, I had a conversation with a pastor friend and one of the things we discussed was the issue of punishment. The 'feel good' gospel that we have been fed totally overlooks the authority of the scriptures on the issue of punishment. As it was, my pastor friend argued that God does not punish His children but He 'allows' things to happen as opposed to punishing his children. This assertion was based on his interpretation of Job's experience that God allowed the devil to destroy Job's possessions (Job 1:1-22; 2:1-10). 

Contextually, when we read the first two chapters of the book of Job we can clearly see that Job was being tested and we know his test was based on his faith in God and that would he be able to endure the test (Job 2:9-10). In this context, the Lord gave Satan permission to test Job by destroying his earthly possessions and this is the premise from which the 'allow doctrine' emanates! Let us thus not be confused regarding the Lord allowing something to happen to test us, the Lord uses the rod of discipline or punishment when we have committed an act of disobedience (2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 23:4). The Lord's discipline is always gracious and it is meant to humble us.

Now, our lead verse above clearly articulates that the Lord does punish a son or daughter He loves and such punishment will bring disruptions and discomfort to our lives which would not be welcoming at the time but it eases God's wrath and provides favor for us with the Lord (Numbers 16:46). 

As a family, we have also experienced God's punishment on us for acts of disobedience however as we confessed our sins and repented the Lord heard our prayers and granted us the relief we asked for (Judges 10:15-16). What a merciful God we serve, He holds no grudges as He is always ready to forgive us. 

Having said this, we have had a woman in our ministry who was in the habit of always taking her children's part and overlooking the wrongs they did. Consequently, this angered the Lord as it was not the first time she was warned by the Lord not to cover up her children's wrongs but to correct them on their sinful behavior. The Lord then issued a stern warning to her saying that God's curse was upon her. Yes, you read it right! The Lord did say to her that God's curse was upon her and this caused the woman to humble herself in God's Presence after receiving this warning and the next morning the Lord gave word that He accepted her act of humility in His Presence and forgave her (1 Kings 21:29). 

Additionally, we need to remind you that the Lord of the Old Testament is still the same God, He has never changed (Hebrews 13:8). Let us thus not think the punishment was just meant for David and the Israelites, the Lord punishes His children according to our lead scripture above and given to our experiences with the Lord. Also, with people who acted outside God's will and became false witnesses, the Lord promised to punish them and we believe He did punish them. As it is, the Lord rewards obedience and not disobedience as we wrote in our 'blessings for obedience' article. finally, the Lord's punishment is not meant to cause us to stumble but that we rather walk closer with Him.

Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Are Curses Still Relevant?

 Why Christian's Should Not Curse Others

"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them" (Romans 12:14 ESV).

in our , "Blaming God When Bad Things Happen" articles we articulated how bad were bound to happen due to the original sin that brought about a curse ,misfortune and hardships to both humans, animals and plants (Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 8:19-23). Briefly, we also highlighted that this curse will continue until the final consummation of this age (Revelation 22:3) and only in the new order of creation would born-again Christians enjoy a pain free, stress-free and blissful live (Revelation 21:3-5). Praise God Almighty! what precious promises we have and this would be ours if we only persevere and endure!

Brethren, this is a very important teaching, curses are real and may have serious consequences on people whether Christian or non-Christian and we are warned NOT curse others as per above scripture. We will not be covering the curses listed in Deuteronomy 28 as these are from God based on disobedience, we will simply consider curses by people who felt hurt or betrayed by the actions of others or those who hatefully and maliciously curse others in a vengeful way. Meanwhile, we will consider some scriptural examples first to show that this is a very relevant teaching and we need to be aware of this.

The Effects Of A Curse

Furthermore, a curse is meant to increase hardship on an individual or a nation (Genesis 3:16; Numbers 22:4-6). Again, in Genesis we read how Noah cursed his son Ham for dishonoring him and we know that this curse came to pass (Genesis 9:24). 

Additionally, Joshua also cursed the Gibeonites (Joshua 9:23; 6:26-27) and the man who undertakes to rebuild the city of Jericho and this was fulfilled in 1 Kings 16:34. Someone might say, a curse pronounced in the name of the Lord is effective, true as per preceding scriptures, however, any other person is able to curse according to our lead scripture.  Similarly, Balaam son of Beor was reputable for putting a curse(s) on people and it would have an effect so God intervened and would not allow it (Numbers 1-25). 

Jesus Breaks Curses

In conclusion, a few years ago, a sister in the Lord experienced some very painful menstruation over a period of many years and this caused her to skip both work and Church services. The Lord revealed to Charis that her condition was as a result of a curse that an older woman placed on her and the Lord answered her prayers and healed her immediately after revealing that a curse was the cause of her painful menstruation. Also, we are witnesses of a brother in the Lord who cursed his marriage and this is their fate he and his spouse are suffering the bitter battle of strive and divisions in the family. 

Again, we have also witnessed how some children were cursed by their parents for being disobedient, rude or vile and this causes the victim(s) of a curse bitter suffering. As a matter of truth, I myself (Brother Glenn) was cursed which caused me suffering and misfortune and after accepting the Lord and pleading with Him to remove these curses I was given grace and my burden became lighter (Matthew 11:28). Therefore, if we repent from the wrong we did to others and make right with them according to the Matthew 5:24, we will receive grace and deliverance from a curse. Let us bless and not curse and let us live in peace towards all our neighbors and we will enjoy God's gracious blessings (Romans 12:18; 1 Peter 3:11).

Blessed Peace

Brother Glenn

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Word Of Encouragement

Short message Of encouragement From the Lord Jesus

NOTICE: Our Article for this week will be available tomorrow (07/09/2022).

A few weeks ago, a very precious sister in the Lord (Sister Hannah) shared this message with me, and after prayer, the Lord commanded me to share this message with you for this week since we don’t have an article for this week. I will also share a short vision I had on 06/01/2018 and we prayerfully hope this will encourage and bless your heart in Jesus' name. We are sharing this message again as we are working on another great message the Lord gave us which should be ready for next week!

A vision of Satan (06/01/2018)

I (Brother Glenn) had a vision this morning in the vision, I saw myself walking in a very busy street filled with people everywhere and amongst the first group of people I came across, I noticed a man who just looked different from the rest of the other people. I immediately knew that he (the man) was the devil and I firmly ordered him in Jesus's name to leave and he just disappeared. I continued walking, and further up I came across another group of people and a man who disguised himself and hides amongst the group of people so that he might not be identified and looked at me and when I caught sight of him, I again knew it was Satan, so I said, “Devil I command you in Jesus name to flee”,and in a haste he replied saying, ‘I am going and you don’t need to command me again’ and he left End! (James 4:7; Matthew 4:10).

This vision is self-explanatory and the Lord basically revealed it to show that He has given us power and authority over the devil and we should not fear him (Luke 10:19).

Vision From Sister Hannah (11/12/2017)

I am a born-again Christian but have never had anything happen to me like this before and I feel God urging me to share with others. A couple nights ago I laid in bed falling asleep and right before I fell asleep I had a vision. God spoke to me and said "Make a path for the Lord, prepare the way for the Lord" I cannot say what the voice sounded like as there was no distinct voice but those words were spoken to me it's hard to explain. I also saw a hand cleaning off a very dirty and dusty footstool and I believe it was God's or Jesus' hand. I know there are many references in the Bible regarding the footstool. Some I found... (Psalm 110:1KJV)

The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Psalm 132:7
Let us go into His dwelling place; Let us worship at His footstool.

Lamentations 2:1
How the Lord has covered the daughter of Zion With a cloud in His anger! He has cast from heaven to earth The glory of Israel And has not remembered His footstool In the day of His anger.

Hebrews 1:13
But to which of the angels has He ever said, "SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, UNTIL I MAKE YOUR ENEMIES A FOOTSTOOL FOR YOUR FEET"?

I believe God is telling me to further his kingdom to tell people this vision and to come to the father and that the time of his second coming is near, I'm not sure how near, but I feel it's near.

As always, we would like to extend an invitation to anyone who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ yet, or of you are not born again, to pray our suggested prayer on this link Prayer of Sincere Repentance by faith and follow the Lord (Matthew 4:19). You may also contact us for any questions or comments about this article or our ministry.

Blessed Goodness to you in Christ,
Brother Glenn and Sister Hannah

Monday, August 23, 2021

What Is True Repentance?

Repent and Be a Witness Of Christ

NOTICE: We will be having an updated article tomorrow (31/08/2021), we apologise for the inconvenience. 

Vision by Charis (22 August 2021).

"My son (John, not real name) must not repent for his sins and go back to continue in his sins, repentance means changing your life and behavior from your former way of living". (Acts 3:19; Jeremiah 26:13).

Appeal for Assistance: Dear Brethren, since our daughter Claudia received that attack and the Lord bringing her back to life after prayer, she is unable to go back to school due to her having forgotten many things. As it is, she must now learn again to remember things and people. Thus after prayer as a family, we have decided to put her on a home-schooling system with the help of an educational expert. We thus appeal to anyone of you to please pray for her and to help us financially (whatever you have) so that we may get her onto the home-schooling system. Kindly use our PayPal facility on the website or please send us an email if you need any further information. 

The Lord bless you, and God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-7), furthermore, the apostle Paul encouraged the believers saying: "Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives" (Titus 3:14 NIV).

Brethren, we are sharing again the True Repentance article on the Lord's command. On the above date, Charis received a message from the Lord in which the Lord rebuked a brother but at the same time explaining what true repentance means. Therefore, for your eternal benefit, please read this article. 

In 2015 we wrote an article on being born again. It would be only appropriate to follow up with an article with a similar tone and this week we share with you, True Repentance. Biblically, the word repentance means to turn from the direction of living a sinful life to a godly life in Christ (2 Chronicles 7:14; Ezekiel 18:21-23). Many people believe that there is a God and Savior, but only a few live repentant lives. Just recently, we were smitten with grief and disappointment when the Lord exposed a case of false repentance. The individual concerned practiced good Christianity in our presence but the moment he leaves us, he leads a secret life of sin. This is best described as hypocrisy and false repentance. It means he had repented for the wrong reasons: to please man rather than God. Often those who have repented falsely do so for the benefit of personal gain. How many people do we know who claimed to have repented of their wicked ways in order to marry a person in the church whom they lusted after? Are there not people we know who ‘repent’ and speak our Christian language only for financial or some other gain? Well, such behavior may give us a temporary false gain by using God for the wrong purposes. In fact, such folly will only backfire on us with some dire consequences (Romans 8:13).

Therefore, every truly born-again believer who has gone through the experience of repentance knows what the Lord expects of us (1 Peter 2:1-3; 1 John 3:9). This is where our relationship with the Risen Lord starts. In addition to pursuing a life of peace and upright living as the above Scripture declares, the Lord Jesus Christ called us to be His witnesses to the world (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:19-20). As we know in today’s church environment, many Christians display their Christian ‘power’ and ‘authority’ by shielding themselves with lofty ministry titles. Church titles don’t win souls! If we use official church titles to impress and attract people to us, are we not sinning? Should we not be making followers of Christ rather than of us? (1 Corinthians 1:12).

Now many brethren in the Body of Christ are seeking after the official ministry titles, like apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers. In the past, we inquired of the Lord for some enthusiastic brethren who were eager to hear what their callings were. After hearing the Lord sending them to the streets to witness, many of them were disappointed, and like the rich young man whom the Lord called to humility (Matthew 19:16-22), they doubted the Lord’s message and clung to man’s approval of them. They thought the Lord would say ‘welcome apostle or prophet’; instead, they were encouraged to evangelize to the lost in the streets, to their colleagues at their workplaces, or at home to their family members. The Lord knows that some of those who desire the formal ministry titles desire power and status. We know John the Baptist came as a prophet but his prophetic message was testimony from our Heavenly Father to reveal our Lord Jesus Christ to the world (John 1:32-34). He started out his ministry preaching repentance (Matthew 3:2). This was repeated by Peter on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:38), and subsequently the apostle Paul went through a similar experience; he repented and immediately started sharing his testimony (Acts 9:18-22).

What is Repentance?

There can be no salvation without repentance or being born again (John 3:3-8; Matthew 3:2; 4:17). Biblically, repentance means turning from sin to God (Deuteronomy 30:1-2; 2 Chronicles 6:26-27). In other words, once we have renounced our sins through confessing (acknowledging) our sins we have repented and we immediately receive God’s Holy Spirit as ‘down payment’ (Ephesians 1:13-14) and the adoption of sonship in Christ (Ephesians 1:5).

Sadly, there are many people who have faith in God and the redemptive work of Christ Jesus, but let me tell you: faith that does not involve repentance by living according to the Spirit (Galatians 5:16; 25) is not a reflection of true faith (Acts 20:21). Therefore, obedience to the Lord is required with a complete yielding and submission to God as we follow the conviction of the Holy Spirit to correct our hearts and attitudes (James 4:7; Acts 2:37).

In addition, the Bible says repentance involves a complete change of the heart, soul (mind, will, and emotions) abandoning of old ways (Ezekiel 11:18-20). It is more than just mere sorrow for sin; it is a total surrender to the Lord. True repentance as we noted above is acknowledging our sins as deserving God’s judgment and turning from that sin to ask the Lord’s forgiveness (1 Kings 8:47-50). If we are sorrowful for our sins and we ignore the conviction from the Holy Spirit to make right with the Lord, we act on self-pity. As the Word correctly declares, Godly sorrow leads to repentance and a new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 7:9-10; Psalm 51:1-17). Our repentance is proven by the genuineness and our change of behavior (Luke 3:8-14; 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV; 1 John 2:4-6).

I have come across a lot of people who expressed great sorrow for their sins. Some even quote this Scripture: “… God have mercy on me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13-14 NIV), but sadly, they continue in their sins. How many of you reading here merely have sorrow for your sins but you never truly repent? Will, you only feel sorry for your sins and even confess them to others in self-pity, but not act by faith coming from the Holy Spirit’s conviction and repent? We know the consequences of sin bring about God’s judgments (Romans 6:23). Therefore, repent and follow the Lord in fearful obedience. Don’t give up on life and reject salvation! Remember, Christ is that life (John 14:6). Accept Him, see He is calling you to His love and rest (Matthew 11:28). For your assurance, I repeat what the Lord once told us: I will always love all people equally. Arise, don’t just sit there and say, "Yes, I know He loves me." Show Him love too by repenting of your sins and following Him in obedience (John 14:15).

We Must Be Committed and Faithful

In some of our experiences with the Lord, He revealed to us that there are countless Christians who will miss Heaven. He said those practicing deceitful living had shallow repentance, ready to turn to sin when the flesh and occasions demand. He attributes this to their willful disobedience to Him, by leading unholy lives (Hebrews 12:14; Matthew 7:13-14).

Let me share a brief testimony, a few years ago I witnessed the gospel to a young man who lives about a stone's throw from us. In response, he told me that he saved a copy of the ‘Sinner’s Prayer’ on his desktop, and every morning before starting work he would locate the sinners' prayer on his desktop and read it out loud to himself while ‘repenting’. Meanwhile, he continued living in sin with his girlfriend. No doubt, this is a trend in today’s society. While we must confess our wrongdoing to the Lord, repeating our wrong living is outright disobedience and a life of bondage. We cannot be content with such repentance, losing faithfulness and if that is YOU, my brother or sister, then you are playing with your salvation and not taking it seriously.

Kindly allow me to briefly share with you another testimony. We had people who left our fellowship and who could not endure the Lord’s corrections as He rebuked them for willful sinning (Hebrews 10:26). In sharp, but gentle warnings the Lord warned them that HELL is for sinners and disobedient Christians (John 3:36; Ezekiel 18:24). Previously we have shared on Sinning Deliberately, and you are welcome to read this article. Now, we know that the Lord does forgive us if we make mistakes. However, the above Scriptures also say that He will punish the wrongdoer for willful disobedience. In a rebuke to a young, nine-year-old girl in 2011, the Lord said that the girl loves sinning on purpose and then goes back to repent of her sins. This led the Lord to say, Many people say they have repented of their sins, but they repeat their sins without regard to My warnings.

As a further warning from the Lord, we share in part a rebuke below to a young man, and we pray that by sharing that you will learn, abstain from wrongdoing and live to please the Lord. Here is how the Lord rebuked Sam (not real name): My son Sam is worldly, and My son Sam is busy with wrong things. My son Sam is an unfair person and My son Sam loves lying. My son Sam loves making empty promises and My son Sam is lustful.

In the light of this rebuke from the Lord, how many of us can identify with some of the sins mentioned here? Do we think this person is walking Heaven-ready and being a born-again Christian? This message was given to Sam but serves as a warning to all of us too!

Brethren, in concluding this message, we encourage you to lead a repented life daily remembering that “…without holiness, no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).

To start living a life of true repentance by honoring the Lord Jesus Christ through obedience, please start by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Your Brother in Christ,
Glenn van Rooyen.

Monday, August 9, 2021

My Encounter With Covid-19

The End Of All Things Is Near

 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me" (Psalm 23 NKJV).

Brethren, before I share my wife's testimony I would like to remind you all that the time is very near for rapture. As a ministry, we will not fail to remind you! Furthermore, we may have warned you some seven or eight years ago, it is for your benefit to remain faithful and watchful, and if the Lord tells us that He is near we take His warning seriously and by faith.  It is a spiritual fact, sin is addictive and there are still countless Christians who are struggling to shake off basic sins like lustfulness and ungodly manners. We know that being possessed by such evil does not contribute to us being blameless (1 Corinthians 1:8; Deuteronomy 18:13-19). 

While we wrote an article regarding the mark of the beast a few months ago we are reaffirming that the covid-19 vaccine is NOT the Mark of the Beast. We did say that this is going to lead towards the mark of the beast. As we all know, cash will soon be useless as it is seen as a carrier of the virus. I thus also reaffirm what the Lord revealed to us that Rapture will first take place then the antichrist will enter the world scene to commence with his rule of terror and evil (Daniel 11:36-39).

Sister Desiree Testimony

My trouble with covid-19 started on the 9th of July 2021, after my afternoon prayers I felt the effects of a soar throat and a coldness entering my body from the back with a fever that caused me pain in my legs, thighs, joints, and literally my whole body with severe tiredness. On the 12th of July, my condition worsened my appetite, taste, and smell disappeared. I started to pray and call upon the Lord asking Him to heal me. As it was, the normal flu medication that I have been taking did not help at all, and by the second week my condition worsened, I lost my ability to concentrate and talk and my speech disappeared. My chest was literally paining with some burning effect.

As a mother, I pleaded with the Lord in my own silent prayers to spare my life because my children need me especially Cailin who is only 9 years old and during that time I saw how vulnerable and helpless my children were when Glenn and I were flattened by the virus and that encouraged us to use what we have our faith and plead for mercy with the Giver of Life our Lord Jesus Christ (John 11:25). 

However, my situation got worse on Saturday evening 17 July and I thought I would not make it for the next day, I say this because my breathing was severely affected. I struggled to breathe and Glenn being sick too, rubbed my back with some ointment while praying for me and that gave me some relief till the next day. On Sunday 18th July, I felt as if my body was floating, it felt very light and everybody around me knew it was only a matter of time before I'm being called home. Being sick and weak as he was, my husband Glenn got up that Sunday and went to buy some medication from the chemist for me which I took by faith while I again cried out to the Lord to have mercy on me, and the next day I could feel that the worse was over, I knew the Lord Jesus has touched me (I saying this with tears of joy) and my condition and appetite gradually improved. When I realized that my breathing has improved, with just the irritating cough remaining I got up during the early hours of the morning to praise and worship the Lord my God, and by July 29th I came out of bed for the first time and attended to some chores. 

As your fellow servant in the Lord Jesus Christ, I would encourage you to just pray it does not matter how hopeless you feel during your ordeal, the Lord shows Himself strong during our hopeless trials that are where His Glory is displayed. To Him be everlasting Peace, Praise, Glory, Grace, and Thanksgiving for all that He has done for me and my family. The Lord He is JESUS CHRIST! I encourage everyone, hold on to your faith and take your battles to God in prayer, He alone has mercy for us!

Grace and peace to all the Brethern in Jesus name

Sister Desiree

Written and reviewed by Brother Glenn

Monday, August 2, 2021

Merciful God

We Are Alive, The Lord Saved Our Lives

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes: with you; he will never leave you or forsake you”(Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV).

Brethren, as we all know that covid-19 is a very contagious virus, and being infected by this virus, it requires isolation and loneliness which in itself is tormenting. While the virus was mild on our children, the despair of them losing us overwhelmed them, and their faith in God abandoned them, however in my weakness I encouraged them to just pray but their faith could not carry them. On July 14,2021 I (Brother Glenn) was awakened by thirst and after taking some water, a dimness filled the room and heavy drowsiness fell on me. I struggled to breathe while I was gasping for air. In my weakness and 'final moments' I said a short prayer, 'Lord Jesus please help me' as I was laying down on the bed waiting to 'go' and a few seconds thereafter my breathing returned to normal, GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!

In our last article that we posted on the 26th of July, we requested prayer for healing and we would like to Praise the Lord that He heard the requests and prayers that went out. The Lord has healed us all in Jesus' name (Psalm 107:20). And as a family, we say THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT DEAR BRETHREN! You will surely not fail to receive grace when you need it (Romans 2:6). 

The Lord, in His mercy, has restored my wife and me and our children from any form of sickness, like Jonah and in our distress, we called upon the Lord as my wife and I saw that our lives were ebbing away in pain and breathlessness (Jonah 2:3). During this ordeal, daytime brought much relief while the nighttime brought the terror of death, fear and hopelessness. It is true, the enemy strikes at night with arrows of fear but my wife and I would not allow fear and death to deter us, we had just one last weapon, prayer, and faith under heavy breathing and the grace of our Lord pulled us through (Psalm 91:3-6). 

As it was, some people around us were just waiting to hear the news of our passing, and as I reported a few weeks ago regarding my passing, this was it, and like King Hezekiah, my family and I pleaded for mercy and after Charis offered a powerful prayer the Lord Almighty answered prayer and extended our days (2 Kings 20:1-6).   

In conclusion, if you are struggling with some sickness, the Lord is closer to you than you think, please call upon Him with the little strength and faith you have and you will not be forsaken. We will be sharing my wife's testimony in our next article next week.

Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn

Monday, July 26, 2021

Escaping Outer Darkness

 Avoid Being Sectarian

“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me," (Mark 9:39 NIV).

 Prayer Request

Dear Brethren, these past three weeks have been the most challenging for this family, all five of us have been infected by covid-19. As responsible citizens, we have done the best we could as a preventative measure but we could not keep the virus out. O' my dear Lord, what an arduous and painful experience this has been especially to me and my wife as a matter of fact this is the reason why we humbly beseech you all dear brethren to please pray and intercede for my dear wife, this thing has been extremely merciless towards her. As a faithful servant of the Lord, my wife has been praying for this ministry for many years from which each of you has been benefiting spiritually. 

As for this week's message, no truly born-again Christian should ever consider any Church, pastor or denomination as the best or the 'only true' movement' (Mark 9:39) such assertions are spiritually dangerous and a person's souls salvation is at stake (1 Corinthians 3:4-9). Instead, we are encouraged to prayerfully judge the content of the message holding on to what is good for our growth in the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:21). 

Producing A Harvest

From our experience, young Christians are often 'ridding' on the faith of their mentor's and they live on the strength and statements of those they follow. It is a fact, they will often quote the statements and sayings of their mentors more than the bible. Now, we are not saying that it is wrong to learn from those who became Christians before us, (2 Timothy 3:14), however, after having learned and reading the Word of God for ourselves we are encouraged to bear fruit and produce a harvest as individual believers (Genesis 1:12; Matthew 13:8). PLEASE TAKE WARNING TO THIS MESSAGE AND AVOID BEING SURPRISED ON THAT DAY, SURELY IT'S COMING VERY SOON!

I recently received a terrifying vision from the Lord regarding a brother in Christ (Terri, not real name). Now, before I share this vision, please allow me to give a background description, this particular servant of the Lord was anointed and was highly used by God and everybody including demons recognized the work of this servant of God. As it was, at the height of being tested by the Lord the brother broke faith with God and partially abandoned his work in the Lord. 

I'll allow Brother Terri to explain further, "I had a vision which not only left me worried but terrifying in every respect and I'm not ashamed to share this warning. In the vision, many other believers were also assembled before the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:9-11), when it was my turn to appear before the Lord, I did my best to avoid facing Him and the harder I tried the more tormenting it became as I felt that I did not belong there and I was afraid of what I was about to hear. It further appeared as if I was being held on both arms by two mighty angels and I knew I would not hear the Lord saying to me, 'You faithful servant enter into the rest of your Lord...' (Matthew 25:21) instead I expected to hear, "Throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness..."(Matthew 25:30). 

Finally, the vision was taken up, thus taking me out of my misery as Brother Terri continued, it took me years of submission and prayers to the Lord until I was restored again, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and I was allowed to continue with my work in the Lord (Daniel 4:24-37; Luke 22:32). As a scary thought dear brethren, I never thought that it was so difficult to regain my salvation and the Lord's grace" (Hebrews 10:26).

In conclusion, if there is anyone who abandoned the Lord and the work of the Lord, please REPENT whole-heartedly, seek the face of the Lord we surely do not have much time left before the Lord comes. We must also warn, about a month ago the Lord warned through Claudia that there will be the worst civil unrest coming to the whole world and those who continue in their lives of sin and disobedience will not escape the coming evil, we better BE PREPARED!

Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn

Monday, July 5, 2021

My Departure

My Time Of Resting

“…because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me” (2 Peter 1:14).

Brethren, the Lord has revealed to my daughter Claudia quite a few times that I am to depart soon and while I’m still here I do owe this truth to you our dearly beloved brethren. This is what the Lord said, “Your father is going to rest soon” and this was first revealed on 14 May 2021 and again this morning (05 July 2021). I was reluctant to share this with you as we were still seeking the face of the Lord, but after this confirmation, I have no option but to reveal to you (Genesis 41:32). The Lord is calling me home early and while I’ll dearly miss my beloved family, I am a bond-servant of Christ and His will be done for me and my family. I do not despise the Lord’s warnings and I am sharing this by faith.

Furthermore, my work on this blog will continue, and whatever things the Lord reveals will be updated here even after I’m gone. As a further reminder, it will not be very long before the rapture and the Lord did warn us last year (2020) July that He was giving us two years to prepare and be ready for Rapture. Now, I hasten to add, we do not imply that the rapture would be happening next year July as it would be exactly two years since the warning. Additionally, like we wrote in our mark of the beast articles, the world will not recover fully economically from this virus and a new economic system for the world will emerge soon. Please pray and be ready!

Since my calling to follow the Lord back in February 1990, I enjoyed the Lord’s protection and provisions. I faced many trials, doubts, and setbacks which hindered the faith that caused me to stumble but mercifully the Lord would draw me back by His endless love. Having grown up as an only son to my parents, I longed the desire to have a ‘big' brother and the Lord filled that desire and He made me depend on Him. I am writing an honest reflection on the Lord’s grace and goodness to me, after I stumbled and sinned against the Lord during my earlier days in the faith, He would come and lift me up when I was just about to descend into a deeper fall and reminded me of His love (Psalm 40:2) and this re-assurance was the ever-presence of the Holy Spirit. Now brethren, with all humility, I’m not trying to sound like I’m bragging but I received a physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit on my head daily since my water baptism in 1991 and in Jesus name, it has never left me and this has been a reminder to me that the Lord is always with me. One thing though, I have done nothing to deserve such grace, I guess I have a deep love for God and Him I fear greatly and maybe it is by virtue of that but we know His grace just surpasses the little we bring when we are called to faith (Isaiah 42:3).

In conclusion, and in humble prayer, I beseech you all dear brethren to continue in Christ our Lord, love others and forgive, strive to please the Lord daily. Be addicted to praying and confess your mistakes often before the Lord to remain blameless, be humble, do not be ashamed of your faith but let people know you are a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. Avoid being defensive the Lord was accused and He never pleaded His innocence (Isaiah 53:7). Please continue to pray for this family in Jesus' name, and I love you all! Finally, I’ll continue to write articles until my last days and whatever the Lord would reveal in the coming days we will share with you.

Blessed Grace