Monday, February 15, 2021

Blessing Someone In The Name Of The Lord Is Priceless

Accept By Faith Words Spoken In The Name Of The Lord From Others

“He who comes in the name of the LORD is blessed. From the house of the LORD we bless you. He who comes in the name of the LORD is blessed. From the house of the LORD we bless you” (Psalm 118:26 HCSB).

We may also add the following Scriptural reference, "And he blessed Abram saying, "Blessed be Abram by God Most High., Creator of Heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand (Genesis 14:19-20 NIV). Clearly, after these blessed words were pronounced upon Abraham he inherited this blessing because the Almighty God was pleased with him. 

Often, we despise the little words of appreciation from others who express thank you's and 'God bless you' to us for something we did for them. Similarly, this is something that operates by faith if we accept that God will bless us we will receive it Jesus name and what God has predetermined. Again, when a person speaks from the joy of his or her heart and invokes the name of the Almighty God despite his or her standing in God, the Lord will bless (1 Samuel 26:25) and indeed King David was blessed because the Lord predetermined it (1 Samuel 13:14). Thus as people express appreciation for our good efforts and deeds to them the Almighty God is being praised and adorned for our obedience.

A few weeks ago the Lord gave me this message to present it hereafter He showed a dear brother how he has personally benefited from being blessed in the name of the Lord.

Let me put it this way, a brother who is known to us shared that while still unsaved, he was approached by a servant of the Lord who told him that the Lord Jesus blesses him and that God wants to use him. As he recalled, about ten (10) years or more after he received this message he received the promise of being used by God and he was blessed with every good thing (Numbers 6:24-26). We hasten to add that all blessings from the Lord require prayer and faith as we emphasised in our ‘Prayer is the Key to all Problems’ article (Matthew 21:22).

Being a minister of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, I have met and ministered to countless people all around and I can attest to this fact that the Lord does fulfil the word of His servants and grants various blessings which are pronounced in His name (Isaiah 44:26). Therefore, let us not undermine the value of blessings people pronounce upon our lives in the name of the Lord and often those who deliver the blessings expresses gratitude to God and a cheerful heart speaks from JOY (Luke 6:45; Proverbs 4:23).

God Always Remembers You

Furthermore, we should also not forget how God showed kindness to Cornelius who was a generous man who showed a heart of caring to the needy (Acts 10:2-4). As it is, surely those who knew him and who received from him expressed their love and well wishes for him (Acts 10:22). Similarly, the Lord also remembered Dorcas, who was a generous, hard working and non-complaining servant of the Lord who lived out her passion and love for others by serving them so God intervened supernaturally and extended her days on the earth (Acts 9:36-41). Additionally, the centurion’s servant who was sick was not healed based on the strength of his own faith but his master’s faith was honoured in addition to the good the centurion did for the needy in Israel (Luke 7:2-10).

Kindly allow me to add another short testimony, a friend I knew personally and whom I truly admired for his bold and committed generosity even if he gets affected, he just wanted to make others happy. From my experience with the brother, he always had a heart for the needy even though he wasn’t saved at the time. However, after he got saved some years later did he confide in me that during that time he longed to be saved to give meaning to the love God placed in his heart for others (Romans 5:5). Rewardingly, he was equally showered with some good words from others who blessed him in the name of the Lord and that greatly comforted him and God saved him and blessed him with the precious gift of salvation.

Finally, now who says that it is not God who works in the heart of those who come to bless us in His name (Hebrews 14:18-20).

 If you desire to accept Christ as Saviour and Lord we have a suggested Prayer of Sincere Repentance to get you started on a new way of life leading to Eternal life and for any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, you may please contact us.

Monday, February 1, 2021

How To Really Identify The Mark Of The Beast (II)

 The Present World Order

“He also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name” (Revelation 13:16-17 NIV).

Important notice: Due to heavy rains which we experienced since the tropical storm Eliose we are experiencing frustratingly slow internet repsonses and as a result today's article will only be available tomorrow (02/02/2021). 

Briefly, as a ministry who received revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ and under whose Lordship we submit, we DO NOT take instructions from anyone but from the Lord only, and nor is our message being influence by anyone. Thus, whatever we share with you comes from the Lord and it is driven by countless prayers and our convictions. Therefore, whatever we write was not copied elsewhere or written by anyone else except by our Brother Glenn or someone he acknowledges. We surely don’t want any confusion about this and knowing that we have a salvation ourselves to look after and the Lord will judge us according to the teaching we deliver here and we thus cannot allow outside influence on our testimony and our message (Galatians 2:6).

Brethren, we have had some very worried people who wrote to us inquiring about the vaccines and if it has any relation to the mark of the beast. Well after prayerful discussions with our ministry team the Lord led us to write you this concise article. In our previous article, ‘The Mark of the Beast’ which we published on the 9th of June 2020, we alluded to some things that would lead up to the revelation of the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3). While we may not have been clear on some of the things in here we will attempt to explain briefly.

It must be understood that God’s end-time message is directly related to the types of world governments that rule on the earth and each one of the ‘four beasts’ the prophet Daniel saw had some kind of world dominance with the last beasts being the most terrifying (Daniel 7:19). As it is, the man of sin will be revealed during the last world government which has not been formed yet. This might sound speculative to you at this stage but the Lord revealed to me that the current world system that most of the western countries encourage ‘democracy’ and the rule of law which makes it impossible for any cruel and authoritarian leader to rule.

What Is Holding Him (Anti-Christ) Back?

Now in our mark of the beast article, we identified amongst other things the economic principle of being unable to buy or sell based on Revelations 13:16-17. Furthermore, the Lord revealed to us that we need to add that the Mark of the Beast will be ‘forced’ onto people and that people will receive it either on their foreheads or right hands. Additionally, the mark of the beast will be a universal system that will not just affect Christians, the poor, the working class but the rich and business owners, the elite, and those who now enjoy the freedoms of democracy. Therefore, we reiterate the present world order with countries enjoying their sovereignty, their own currency under the ‘watchful eye’ of the United Nations and its various Charters, Statutes, and Articles serving as ‘security’. Thus, these present political structures and the divided economic policies which are employed by the nations need to fall first before the ‘Mark of the Beast’ will be revealed.

Vaccines Not Mark of Beast

, In conclusion, Christians need not fear taking the vaccines available as being something connected to the mark of the beast. These vaccines are not the mark of the beast if we consider that the Apostle Paul said ‘the falling away’ is to occur first and that would be the dismantling of the current world order which promotes diversity, freedom of speech, and religion and we know the anti-Christ will demand worship and he will operate from an authoritarian position and the whole world will be subjected to his rule (Revelation 13:3) when he comes to power. God willing we will continue with this topic in a future article there is much to add.

Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn