Being Faithful Expresses Testimony
“But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you” (1 Samuel 12:24 NIV). Again, we read “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people” (Ephesians 6:7 NIV).
Initially, the word faithful has a very deep and wide meaning, and if we apply this virtue in the biblical context, then it takes on a serious meaning. What I mean is this, faithfulness should be an attitude that constantly flows from a Christ-fearing person’s character (Isaiah 11:5). Thus, the content of a Christian’s character is measured by his faithfulness. Therefore, this all-encompassing quality covers every sphere of a Christian’s character. It measures the content of our speech, faith, fear of God, our conduct and character. Additionally, we are measured by the unsaved, unfaithful and mockers through our faithful conduct. Thus, our Christianity is evident if we display the fruit of faithfulness (Ephesians 5:22). From our experiences, we have observed that a faithful Christian displays a gentle, patient and kind spirit towards everyone and this is truly a hallmark of maturity. Additionally, it is a Godly fact, our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back for His faithful servants who will be ready (Matthew 25:1-13).
Being a witness of the Lord’s rebukes to countless Christians both here and around the world, I am confidently testifying to you that the Lord was greatly displeased by the unfaithfulness of some Christian brothers and sisters. Responding with love to them, the Lord had frequently rebuked the brethren about their shallow relationship with Him, their careless attitude towards others, and their lukewarm approach towards His will. We cannot emphasize enough that laziness has a destructive effect on our relationship with the Lord and sadly personal needs and circumstances are always favored above the Lord’s will (Colossians 3:23).
Perseverance of a Faithful Spirit
Additionally, we often hear that certain ministers have given up on their ministry commitments to serve under other ministers citing lack of experience as an excuse. While this might be an expression of humility, several years or months of ministry is held together by prayer and faithful commitment (2 Thessalonians 1:11). Also, if the work of ministry continued for such a good period why the need to discontinue it? Would we attribute the decision to discontinue in ministry service to God or the minister? Knowing that God’s gifts are unchangeable (Romans 11:29) we may safely conclude that the minister was responsible for discontinuing work in God’s service. During this past week, the Lord revealed to me that His calling of ministers into ministry work is meant for the duration of their earthly lives. In other words, once anointed and ordained, ministers have a generational ministry commitment (John 4:34; Acts 20:24). Furthermore, I was personally warned by the Lord that there would be consequences if I fail to complete the course of my ministry work, and this warning applies to all those who committed but failed to continue in the work the Lord called us to (1 Timothy 4:14).
Throughout the Bible, we may have read how faithful and committed Daniel, David, Jeremiah, Paul, Esther, Ruth and a host of others were to their faith and commitment to God (Daniel 6:10; 1 Kings 15:5; Jeremiah 1:7-9; 1Corinthians 9:16; Esther 2:20; Ruth 3:11). These men and women including our Lord Jesus Christ despised their will, the abusive insults of others and sacrificed their lives of pleasure to obey and follow the LORD faithfully each day. Now, this may sound foolish, but if we were to compare today’s Christians with the saints of old, we are found to be lacking in faithfulness. Being in ministry, I regularly meet with many Christians and ministers, and disappointingly, the quality of faithfulness lacks in most of them. What I further noticed is that these gentle souls are highly literate scripturally and eloquent, and some of them simply just show off their ‘talent’ to impress others. The Bible says, ‘show us’ (James 2:18).
Also, some Christians are more concerned about their lives then the things about God, in fact, the only thing most ‘Christians’ concerns themselves with is to reserve just one day a week for God. Is this not a questionable commitment because materially it lacks true faithfulness. A truly faithful Christian never looks back (Luke 9:62), or regrets the course of action in Christ he or she undertook either to witness, pray, give and support the work of God. We do not intend overloading you here with a long message, but do you know that your conscience as a witness will testify against you when the Lord demands of you the output of your labor? (Romans 2:15; Romans 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10). And at the end of your Christian journey don’t you want to hear Lord saying to you, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'(Matthew 25:21 NIV).
Finally, please examine yourself based on these few questions. Are you always in a hurry to finish your prayers because you have to attend to some other matters? Surely, this is not true faithfulness! Do you make commitments to others and don’t keep them? Are you not being faithful? Are you skipping days or weeks not reading your bible? You are disobedient and dishonor the Lord and your salvation. Do you ‘bunk’ church activities like prayer meetings, witnessing events, tithing, or contributing because your needs must come (Luke 21:3) first? You have put your hand to the plow, but you are looking back, the Lord says this exercise is fruitless (Luke 9:26). Do you like lying and excuses? I can assure you, you are very close to the devil, the Lord rebuked and warned countless brethren for this, and they were shown the source of their behavior. Do you always want to be right? People with such an attitude like to dominate others I can assure you this is very displeasing to the Lord for talking down to your fellow brother or sister in Christ. Is this not a questionable faithfulness? Are you always more concerned about other’s opinions about you and causing you to hide your Christianity because you are ashamed of your faith? You are not faithful to the Lord; it seems your feelings matter more than your faith which should be publically known (Luke 9:26; Matthew 5:15).
In conclusion, brethren lets get serious with God and stop pretending for our commitment to God requires some serious and sober commitment.
Don't miss this opportunity, we would like to extend an invitation to anyone who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ yet, or of you are not born again, to pray our suggested prayer on this link Prayer of Sincere Repentance by faith and follow the Lord (Matthew 4:19). You may also contact us for any questions or comments about this article or our ministry.
Blessed Regards
Brother Glenn
Do We Measure Up Faithfully?
In conclusion, brethren lets get serious with God and stop pretending for our commitment to God requires some serious and sober commitment.
Don't miss this opportunity, we would like to extend an invitation to anyone who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ yet, or of you are not born again, to pray our suggested prayer on this link Prayer of Sincere Repentance by faith and follow the Lord (Matthew 4:19). You may also contact us for any questions or comments about this article or our ministry.
Blessed Regards
Brother Glenn