Monday, September 25, 2023

The Malicious Gossip spirit

Why Christians should Not engage in Gossip

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29 NIV). Also

“Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends” (Proverbs 17:9 NIV). Again, "A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much" (Proverbs 20:19 NIV). Also, "A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends" (Proverbs 16:28 NIV).

Division Through Gossip

 In the early 1990s, I shared an apartment with about five friends who were born again. Since we were all Christians, it was not hard to get along. Our love for the Lord and the scriptures helped us maintain a caring attitude for each other. The brotherly love we exchanged for one another was genuine and uncompromising. How beautiful the innocence of those days!

This strong brotherly bond and the unity of those days were greatly envied by the devil so he ‘planted’ a gossip amongst us (Matthew 13:25). It is common practice, to infiltrate the opposing camp one needs to learn the ways and practices of the opposing side, and being unaware of this scheme, we welcomed a messenger of Satan who knew our language. Let me qualify this statement, although the Lord loved and died for all people, some through their works are children of the devil (1 John 3:9-10). With people being easy ‘prey’ and a soft target for the devil, he makes his works and personality known through people, and to identify him; there would always be an element of evil (John 8:44).

As it was, the ‘brother’ who joined our fellowship brought with him a poisoned tongue heavily filled with malicious words of slander and gossip and within a week or so, our brotherly unity and relationship greatly deteriorated with the result that we could not bear being in the same company. By being in that state, the seeds of conflict and hateful feelings had its roots in us, and this ate away whatever love and trust we had for one another. Through this experience, I learned that the unfortunate position why there are so much hatred, gossip, and slander amongst Christian, it happens because love for others became cold in us. As a result of this condition, it serves to deepen bitter rivalries and divisions amongst us.

Rebukes from the Lord to Gossipers

I don’t think there is a ministry without a gossip. There were gossips in the Old Testament (Numbers 12:1), and the Apostle’s Paul and John equally struggled and rebuked gossips (3 John 9-10; 1 Timothy 5:13). For being kind to rebuke and correct some brethren we too had slanderers and gossips amongst us. On some occasions, the Lord exposed and strongly rebuked those went around spreading malicious gossip.

Often, the Lord revealed, that the motive of the gossiper is to transfer a spirit of dislike and hate for others, with the result being that people act loveless towards the victim(s) of gossip. The intention of a gossiper is to influence another to join in to belittle and hate another person. There were specific instances, where the Lord revealed the exact scene and words said to Charis to shame the gossiper and to warn and discourage others from being a gossip.

Also, in our witchcraft article, the Lord exposed both the identity of Satan and the spirit behind the gossiping attack against our ministry. Therefore, this wave of malice, which manifests through gossip is best defeated through prayer and by ignoring it, like Daniel showed (Daniel 6:10). We are commanded to love and pray for those who persecute us through gossip (Matthew 5:44). Additionally, some would say, ‘why did you mention the names of same people in your articles, is that not gossip’? No! They were identified by the Lord to warn you against the deceitful teachings they proclaim.

Furthermore, below we will be sharing with you how malice drove some folk to succeed in a campaign of gossip. As an ingredient, gossips only needed to be motivated by a spirit of jealousy, a desire to oppress others, the pursuit of self-interest and harboring a grudge that issued from hateful feelings.

How Gossip and Slander Destroy Peace and Brotherly Unity

· When Adam and Eve dwelt peacefully in the Garden of Eden, the devil, who is the father of gossipers, he planted a seed of gossip against God’s command which led to the fall of man (Genesis 3: 3-5).

· We further see how King David’s kingdom was threatened by a spirit of gossip through Absalom, for his famous words, "… If only I were appointed a judge in the land...” led to a widespread and negative campaign of gossip against David (2 Samuel 15:4). Although Absalom’s rebellion was from God, (2 Samuel 12:11) we must understand that God withdrew His hand of protection from King David with Satan, through Absalom and others seizing the opportunity to cause division (2 Samuel 15:13; Job 1:9-10). This same spirit later possessed Sheba son of Bicri, and this threatened the stability of David’s Kingdom (2 Samuel 20:1-2).

· Likewise, Daniel’s colleagues, who were jealous of him embarked on a gossip campaign to destroy his life and career (Daniel 6:3-9). Because Daniel feared God, He would not allow such evil destroy Daniel. Instead of fighting fire with fire, Daniel did not try to defend himself; he prayed, and God rescued him and consequently punished the wicked (Daniel 6:10; 24).

· Diotrephes, a disciple who was driven by self-interest, gossiped maliciously about some of the early Apostles to draw the crowd to himself (3 John 9-10). Undoubtedly, this has become a common practice of many Christians who allowed negative feelings to ‘eat’ away love from their hearts for their fellow brethren.

Why some Christians Go from one Church to another?

I will only provide a narrow explanation based on some answers from the Lord on the above question. We have about three large books of about 188 pages with messages and visions which we received from the Lord through Charis. Additionally, we have just over 70 voice recorded visions and conversations Charis had with the Lord. Together, this makes an invaluable teaching available for the body, which we have shared and continue to share on this platform.

Now for our question above, in some of the conversations in a brief summary, the Lord said some Christians appoints themselves as leaders to control others. The Lord is not particularly pleased when Christian’s move from one Church to the other. The floor crossing to other ministries is a human factor and not from the Spirit (Ephesians 4:2-6). The Lord explained that some people feel insecure, others feel unloved, and others are attention seekers who love large gatherings to show off. Like the Pharisees, they like to pray and worship loud to draw attention to their devotion (Matthew 6:5). I am not saying making a joyful noise to the Lord is wrong (Psalm 98:4). The issue we are addressing is, is your joyful noise directed to God or to show off? Because emotionally, either motive is present. The only difference being is that God is the Judge of the real motive.

I would like to encourage those who are meeting as a small group of believers; small groups are more effective and people are often faithful in attendance and commitment. Also, having been part of small groups, I experienced that the fellowship of small groups delivers genuine and quality prayers, praises and worship to God. The move of the Spirit is evident and we often experiences the manifestation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is also true that smaller groups shows active participation and renders fruitful service. We should therefore, not underestimate the power the Lord has vested in small groups, for they listens to His voice and not the dominant voices of the masses (John 10:27). He only needed Abraham to bless the world (Genesis 22:18). The Lord Jesus only needed 12 men to change the world (Mark 3:14). We don’t have time to provide more biblical examples of the effectiveness of spiritual growth and faithful service to God by a small Christian group. We also shared at length in our Introduction and how this ministry started articles, how the Lord used our small group to reach countless people. We have since maintained our faithfulness.

In contrast, having been part of larger group meetings too. I heard the reasoning of some people why they prefer larger gatherings because some reported that they are motivated by the presence of others. This, I have noticed serves as security and people often feel good to be part of such large crowds. This false sense of security might be deceptive as many people from larger church groups copy the worldly behavior and habits of others (Exodus 23:2).

Moreover, we are familiar with the influence a large crowd can have on an individual, we also know the saying, ‘All of us can’t be wrong’ (Daniel 3:7). True, but we need to be careful! The influence of a bigger crowd usually usurps and limits the individual’s decision making. Which often renders an individual the status of a follower (Acts 19:32).

In conclusion, we would like you to consider the following seven questions and look into your soul while examining yourself. Do you always feel a strong urge to speak badly about other people? Are you often irritated at others to the point of being openly impatient with them? Do you love to know what is going on in other’s private lives? Are you unable to resist a conversation that highlights negative things about other people and so you listen and nod in agreement? Do you find it easy to discuss others negatively? Are you in the habit of using the mistakes of people against them even when you said you forgave them? Do you often ask a lot of questions not out of interest but to evaluate the lives of others? If you answered yes, you might be suffering from a gossiping spirit, a hateful spirit towards others and a loveless heart for your neighbor.

For a solution, you need to repent and pursue deliverance. In our deliverance articles, we mentioned that people do not receive deliverance from a single prayer or confession, but some strongholds get broken through constant prayers, and there may be a need for fasting too (Matthew 17:21).

If you are not yet born again, please pray this Prayer of Sincere Repentance to get you started. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

With Christ's love,
Brother Glenn.

Brother Glenn

Monday, September 18, 2023

Authority and Controlling Others

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”(Proverbs 29:2 NKJV).

Let’s face it: there are many weak-willed people around us who need continuous guidance and correction (2 Timothy 3:6-7). In my observation, such people always need the approval of others in order to be more comfortable with their decisions and choices. This has unfortunately led to mistreatment of such people financially, emotionally and spiritually.

Brethren, we must also remember that life have been so design to allow for the measure of control and authority (Genesis 1:28; 3:16). The Lord told me that how we exercise this duty is largely dependent on how we would like to be treated if we place ourselves in the other's position (Matthew 7:12) and we must also remember that what we dish out to others that same will be returned to us (Matthew 7:2; Luke 6:38). The solution is, exercise control and authority fairly, with love, respect and kindness and not out of feelings of hatred and malice (James 2:1-4) considering that our Judge, Christ will give us the same measure we used in our dealings with people created in His image, BE CAREFUL HOW YOU TREAT OTHERS!

Short Vision of Undue Coercion

In a very short vision this morning (July 20, 2015), I was shown a young lady speaking on her cell phone with a man. I could not hear their conversation, but the Lord made me understand that she was blackmailing him. What I further understood is that she was angrily demanding of him to do something for her and if he would not, she would take some action against him.  The Lord said we should include this type of power play in our article, and that many Christians are guilty of this kind of sin. This is the power game people play over others, and it leads to people doing things under duress, pressure and distress.

Brethren, the Lord has shown us that when He ministered to people, He never demanded their respect or gratitude; instead He allowed people to respond spontaneously (Luke 17:11-18). This kind of action has nothing to do with a contractual obligation; the Lord is referring to things we do for others freely without expecting something in return (Luke 6:35; Matthew 5:25).

In this article, we are going look at authority and controlling others from a Biblical perspective. I will also share how the Lord responded to brethren who demanded submission while trying to control others. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18). He is the good shepherd and by His authority, He died and rose again that we may have eternal life (John 10:14-18).

God’s Teaching on Family Authority

In an address to the Corinthians Church, the apostle Paul rebuked and discouraged the brethren against those who were going about using their influence of Scriptural knowledge to control how people should live in relation to their commitment to the Lord (1 Corinthians 9:12). Likewise, there are some marriage relationships where a spouse deems themselves stronger spiritually; they may try to control how the other spouse should pray, read the Bible, and witness for example. Although these are good things to encourage one another in, it can become toilsome to the person being “forced” to do it (2 Corinthians 9:7). In other words, the conviction from the Holy Spirit as a result of the gospel should govern us to discern the way of truth instead of someone else burdening it upon us (John 16:13).

Briefly, to every truly born again Christian, the truth of the Bible holds authority over our lives and conscience. What I mean by this is that we simply submit our will to the Lord and consciously follow and allow His Word to control our actions and attitudes, while strongly believing by faith that such a submission leads to God’s approval and ultimately His blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-2; Psalm 119:133). Since God is Supreme and superior to us, He educates our conscience through His Word and teaches us to submit to Him and others whom He placed over us for our well-being (Isaiah 48:18). In terms of authority, God has given parents authority over their children (Ephesians 6:1-4; Deuteronomy 5:16) not to abuse them but to respectfully teach them in godly living. Here we see God giving parents authority with a limitation to exercise Godly values of love and respect (Titus 2:4).

Furthermore, the authority of the husband in the family relationship should be one of love and respect to both children and wife (Ephesians 5:25). Brethren, sadly we as fathers abuse this right of authority from God by being too controlling and demanding unjustified submission. On this matter, judge for yourself where you unjustly demand things to be done for you when you could possibly have done it yourself and still demand the right of authority; are you not abusing both your wife and God’s Word? Similarly, there are wives who are outright rebellious by disregarding God’s teaching on the family's unity (Ephesians 5:22-23). From experience, this kind of attitude destroys the family’s unity, love and respect. This is what the Lord says makes for a divided home which will not stand (Mark 3:25; Proverbs 14:1); if we were to examine the relationship of every kind of problem in the house, wouldn’t the marriage hold together when we apply Scripture (Colossians 1:17)? I know that this kind of teaching is unacceptable to a wife who is influenced by the modern worldly view; but for those who enjoy a happy family unit, it is a crown of God’s blessing which overflows in peace in that house (Haggai 2:9). Although human quarrels start as a result of an individual’s self-interest (James 4:1), family feuds are avoided and destroyed by submission to God’s authority and in this case, Scriptural instruction (2 Timothy 3:16).

Controlling Others is Sinful

The apostle Paul had been given authority, but it was for building up the body of Christ, not for tearing it down (1 Corinthians 13:10). As we know, it is easy to exercise control over those under our authority. This might be our congregation, family or work subordinates with authority given by our position. God is interested in exactly how fairly and honestly we exercise our authority and our attitude in guiding others. The apostle Paul warned employers not to mistreat their workers, but to treat them with respect considering that the Lord exercises an authority of love and respect over us (Ephesians 5:25; Colossians 4:1). In emphasis, Christian employers are even admonished to treat their fellow brethren who work for them with Godly love as brothers in Christ (Philemon 1:16-17).

In addressing a problem of controlling others in our ministry, some time ago the Lord Jesus Christ showed Charis in a vision how someone in our ministry was busy controlling the finances and the way the other person should live. This message and teaching from the Lord was very sobering as He taught us not to take advantage of those who live under our authority by using their ignorance to benefit us. In other words, this sister was guilty of making the other person believe and do only what she said, and this was gross abuse which displeased the Lord. It is very unjust and humanly wicked to use the fear or respect others have for us to exploit them for our benefit. In a separate message to someone else, the Lord both warned and encouraged a brother not to fear people, as this would open the door for controlling others, or others to control you. For the Lord's sake, we are called to submit to every human authority and respect those over us (1 Peter 2:13; 1 Timothy 6:1-2). Therefore, I am not encouraging rebellion here, but people will often take advantage when we are too submissive due to our fear of them. When we allow such people to rule over us, we create a burden that may restrict and limit us, as well as blind us to truth.

God Gives Us Free Will

We have had quite a few people requesting us to ask the Lord how they should help our ministry or others; in a gentle message to them, the Lord admonished them to listen to the Holy Spirit for He would guide them in making a decision that is void of pressure and demand (Exodus 25:2; 2 Corinthians 9:7). Scripturally, while our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord over all the human race (John 17:2), He never exercises undue authority over us unless we were wrong and intent on harming others (Romans 14:9; Daniel 3:16). The enemy often uses deception to mislead people, but he also uses coercion, manipulation, and force (Job 1:13-19; 2:7; Matthew 27:40; Matthew 16:22-23). The Lord, however, has given us free will, and He operates with us on the principle of choices and consequences (Deuteronomy 30:19-20; Joshua 24:15; Galatians 6:7-8). The Lord Jesus Himself, as we mentioned previously, never demanded of people to follow Him; He simply shared with us Truth and the choice to either obey Him and enter everlasting life, or follow Satan's deceptions and suffer the consequences (Matthew 5:20; 7:13-14; 10:32-33; Matthew 18:8-9; John 3:3; Revelation 21:6-8).

In conclusion, I am a product of Bible school teaching and I warmly appreciate the culture of Biblical learning which well-intentioned men and women of God teach. However, the problem with some Bible institutions is that they teach formulas that promote financial gain and the pursuit of prestige through the pastoral qualification. The end result of such a student is only Biblical knowledge and demand for submission to them with NO fruit of the Spirit. Submission to our spiritual leaders is good, but we are equally warned to discern truth and motives and apply what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:12, 21). In this regard, our submission is to the Word  of God that our leaders proclaim; we must give them respect but NOT submission to their will for our lives (Matthew 23:3). Our total submission in word, will and deed should only be to Christ.

Have you been wrongly using your authority to control others? Have you been neglecting to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in making decisions and allow the Word of God to control your actions and attitudes? If so, please repent. To accept Jesus Christ, who has authority to give you eternal life (John 17:2; John 5:21; John 3:16), as your Lord and Saviour, please begin by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Grace,

Brother Glenn

Monday, September 11, 2023

Loving God With All Our Heart

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40).

Short vision by Charis, (12/01/2020) Please read it here or read it right below!

Vision Of 7 Babies (12/01/2020)
Given to Charis

I had a vision from the Lord just before I got up on above date. In the vision, I saw that I had seven (7) babies on my lap and I picked up two (2) babies and held them up. While doing that I discovered that those two (2) babies died and I felt very sad and I heard the Lord saying, "Don't be sad for what you have lost, but be grateful for what you still have". 

Brief interpretation:

While it is human nature to lament the things we lost, the Lord is not pleased when we make a show of it and acting as if we lost everything. Therefore, when we have lost loved ones, earthly possessions or even some of our body parts due to injuries or sickness the Lord implores us to take courage in Him (1 Samuel 30:6) because only He is our TRUE TREASURE (Matthew 13:44). We strongly encourage you dear brethren to read the associated scriptures in the interpretation to this vision!

Our article for this week is a very brief encouragement. Brethren, before you say, "I have heard and read this before; I don't need not go through this again", let me assure you that you most definitely need this message! The Lord called us into humble obedience with a childlike attitude (Matthew 18:3). Also, the apostle Paul reiterated that a repetitive message is for our benefit, because the more exposure we have to the word of God, the better our chances of being fruitful and denying the devil an opportunity to influence us (Philippians 3:1). Therefore, constant reminder and exposure to the word of God increases God’s Presence upon us, resulting in peace and unity with Him (Galatians 5:16-17; John 6:63). The Lord Jesus Christ recently revealed to me that many Christians are doing their best to be accepted by others, but not by Him. Truth is, it is easy to make ourselves attractive to people because the benefits we reap are immediate, while the benefits of our faith are unseen; however, they are just as real (Hebrews 11:1).

How to Love God

It is fairly easy to say that we love the Lord with all our being. However, God Himself tests our love for Him (Genesis 22:1-19). Admittedly, tests from God are never easy because our whole being is involved -- mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically (Job 19:13-27) and such tests will result in either making us become more determined to trust God or causing us to give up all together (or relegating into lukewarm mode) (Matthew 10:22). Not too long ago, the Lord told me in a vision that a lukewarm Christian bears no fruit as they are not actively exercising their faith. Instead, He said, their focus is on avoiding trouble and building up their own solutions through worldly wealth and friendship with worldly people whom they are afraid to correct and witness to (John 15:18-19). As you may have experienced, having bad company corrupts good character and opens the door to deception (1 Corinthians 15:33).

Furthermore, Daniel the prophet was focused on his relationship and obedience to God more than having time to befriend people who had no interest or love for God. Therefore, as a result of his love towards God, he accepted unjust suffering and the God he loved expressed His own love for Daniel (Daniel 10:11, 19), and He rescued Daniel (Daniel 6:3-24). You may be assured that Daniel worked harder and with honesty. His dedication to his work exposed the laziness and dishonesty of the other supervisors, so they devised a plan to oust him (Daniel 6:3-6 NKJV) and their goal was to destroy his Source of joy and peace. They tried to put asunder Daniel’s love for God, and in their deadly attack, they found out that he was courageous to choose death and that his love for God was inseparable. His friends were also found to possess a similar spirit of commitment (Daniel 3:13-27), as were the seven thousand (7000) men who did not bow to Baal, but held onto their love for God (1 Kings 19:18).

While most of us live in cultures where human rights are widely protected and respected, it is unlikely that we would face similar circumstances and challenges like some folks in the Old Testament, unless we live in counties that hate Christ and where Christians are persecuted (John 15:18;Matthew 25:45). We must acknowledge though, that it is the same old devil who worked in people then that is at work even today. In our day, he simply applies new sophisticated weaponry -- the tongue accompanied by blatant insults, lies and slanderous accusations piercing the souls of believers with heavy blows of doubt and faith decay, resulting in backsliding and lukewarm Christians. Today, many Christians are afraid to witness because they would be accused of imposing their faith onto others and for trying to make people meet "our" expectations. This is not really true; we merely express our faith and love to God and for them by encouraging and warning them of pending judgement (John 14:23; Matthew 28:19). We must remember that the gospel message is essentially to save sinful man from God’s coming judgment (Romans 2:3-5).

God’s Encouraging Love

Brethren, as a saved sinner myself, when I accepted the love of God by faith through the born-again experience, I literally experienced His abiding and enduring love and every day I find it invigorating (Lamentations 3:23). When we become Christians, we are taught the basics of the gospel, like how we ought to live and to trust God for our needs; this is is good and acceptable. However, as tests and trials are set before Christians, not only will our faith, patience and endurance be tested, but our love for God too (Deuteronomy 13:3). As a believer who has been around and witnessed the Lord’s faithfulness through Him answering my prayers, I have learned that as we love and honour Him through our suffering because of our love for Him (1 Peter 4:16), He never abandons His faithfulness and love for us (2 Timothy 2:13). Instead, He suffers with us, feeling our pain (Hebrews 2:18; 4:15) while allowing us to display our full love for Him through our unwavering commitment.

In a beautiful and encouraging message to Charis recently (April 22, 2015), the Lord gave us an assurance that He has seen the heavy laden Satan placed on us and that He will lift it. We are undeserving of such great love and mercy from our Heavenly Father. He is returning in great abundance His true love to us by letting us know that NOTHING can separate us from His love (Romans 8:31-39).

In my final encouragement to you, dear brethren, it pleases the Lord more when we are showing love and honour to Him more than just what we need from Him and in return through His blessings He confirms His love (Matthew 6:33). This is surely not an article to discourage you from asking the Lord to help you through your struggles! He wants to display His love to us by giving what we need, but we should show our love to Him through our commitment, like Jeremiah, Daniel and many other great warriors of our faith did.

In conclusion, we say that besides the foundation of our faith being Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11) and the heavy weapons to sustain our faith and salvation (Ephesians 6:10-18), we are not complete if we have no love for God and others as our opening Scripture commands (Matthew 22:39). As a final encouragement, remember the Lord told us that His Word and teaching carries equal weighting. In other words, God does not favour certain people, churches and denominations above others, nor does He favour one portion of Scripture above the other Scriptures. God has no partiality (Romans 2:11; Deuteronomy 10:17); all His Word is final and complete for our salvation. Those who lay a short-sighted view and emphasis on some doctrinal position on certain matters of faith are guilty of dishonouring the Lord and His Word. This position shows no love to God, is only for our own interest.

Have you been failing to love and obey God through tests and trials (John 14:15)? Have you been neglecting to exercise your faith by loving others as yourself and therefore finding yourself slipping into lukewarmness? If so, please repent and choose to stay strong and steadfast in the Lord (Mark 13:13). To receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please start by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed grace,

Brother Glenn

Monday, September 4, 2023

The Evidence Of God In Our Lives Is LOVE

Love Is All Encompassing

And he answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself" (Luke 10:27 ESV).

Brief Update: Brethren, we would like to express our sincere apologies for the subscription's emails which did not go out during last week. This was brought under our attention by some concerned brethren. Upon investigation, we discovered that our email ‘feedburner’ was not active and we have NO IDEA why our email subscribers’ information was not active. With our limited skills, we have created another ‘subscribe’ tab towards the top right hand corner of the home page. Please re-insert your email address and confirm your subscription by clicking on the link that you would receive to confirm your subscription in order not to miss out on the Lord’s messages.

How often are we justifying our actions and words before people but in the sight of God we are only wasting our time (Job 38:2).

If you read a little Further you will find out that the man asked who was his neighbour? He certainly knew and might have chosen the easy part to love his family relatives or friends but not his neighbours ,this was a test actually for him when Jesus replied to him recalling a story to him.

I believe that Christians should Always take it in consideration to humble themselves and do their best to follow Christ.

We have come to an important time as He is approaching and is nearer each day to come for his children.

Let's get back to the title "love the Lord thy God ..". We understand that God is Pure love, it is then a prerequisite to love him back and to trust Him with our own mind and our own soul fully.

Again, if we could achieve this in our own strength then we would not need God. This is why the Holy Spirit is present and encourage us through the scriptures to follow Jesus steps. What can be achieve without love? Nothing.

There is more as we grow in Christ we find out that all comes from him and the will of Jesus in our life is what matter.

We must learn to thank God in all situations because of our love towards Him but also because of the warfare around us. Did you know we are surrounded with Angels but also with evils spirits we thank God that he gave us all authority ,the problem is our belief system and practical Christianity.

To love God is to respect and honor all men as it is said in the bible. Don't worry about your enemies just love and pray for them God is aware even before you utter a word to him .This is how we love him, putting into actions what he said and being instructed by His word through the bible.

Stephen's death is a great example: What kind of Spirit Dwelt in him? of course the Holy Ghost was dwelling in him.

His answers before he died was that God may not count their sins as he was stoned to death, Heaven opened, God knew about his situation and God was glorified in Him (Acts 7:55-60) declares,

"But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together[b] at him. Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep."

There will be a time when people will begin to speak to him within and will have this consciousness of it that He is living within us.
How Love Reveals Christ In Us

The Lord Jesus said, "I will be with you and in you" this is not only a fellowship but an everyday intimacy. This is where God the Father wants his children at" (John 14:20).

When we consider the scripture Luke 10:27 requires time and effect but mostly a sincere heart is what the Lord Jesus Christ is looking for ,our willingness toward him then of course it is part of our faith toward him. Again the Holy Spirit will help us to achieve this because there is so much temptations in our days.

Once you have been touched by Jesus's love even if failure comes you naturally turn to the Lord for forgiveness and you are willing to continue in him.

Our strength comes from the Lord, in time of need he is the only true friend to know and to understand you perfectly.

In General some people are looking for knowledge or wisdom ,Solomon talk about it and says all is vanity, it is like running after the wind ,why would we want knowledge for? To impress others? So in some portion we need her , even knowledge is dangerous without practising it. We thank God that He gives as we need her.

" Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away" (1Corinthians 13:8-10). 

Some may use it for their own agenda but some also will use it to help others showing them the path of Light.

As you know there is no greater love than to give his own life for his friend we talk here of sacrificing our own time for others.

All begin in Love (Agape)and should finish in Love(Agape) this is the Christian life, the bible tells. One day there will be no more knowledge or prophecy because all will know the Lord in His Glory we Will know him fully within and without.

If you were blessed by this message, kindly share it. We would also like to encourage those who are not Saved yet to consider repenting and accepting the Lord in their lives by praying this  Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Godly Regards

By: Brother Patrice and reviewed by Brother Glenn