Monday, May 27, 2024

Knowing Your Enemies Within And On The Outside

 The Struggle To Control

As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; (Romans 3:10).

Vision by Brother Glenn 04/06/2022

After my early morning prayers, I had a short vision from the Lord. In the vision, I saw a man with his daughter walking. As they were walking suddenly their spiritual eyes were opened and they could see what was happening all around them. There were snakes of different shapes and sizes on both sides of the road they were traveling on. Being aware of this, fear started to seize them as they were intimidated by the presence of the enormous snakes, they were deprived of peace, while the snakes were beaming with pride for managing to disturb their journey. Soon the man and daughter were joined by another person, who did not fear the snakes nor was she intimidated by their sizes and shapes and she accompanied them by helping them complete their journey., end of vision! The Lord said don't be intimidated by the enormity of the problem or giants you face, trust in the LORD (1 Samuel 17:45).

Vision By Brother Glenn (7 April 2024)

I saw a political and diplomatic storm brewing between the United States of America and China. I saw China aggressively confronting USA over Taiwan.

There Is No Good In Us

As it was, soon after the vision I woke up again and prayed, the Lord revealed to me the meaning of this. The Lord revealed that those very mechanisms Satan used on the outside to cause Christians to stumble are the very same things people have within them to force others to stumble (Romans 14:13). We are going to provide some detail here according to the Lord's explanation, we (humans) all have these evils in us, yes even Christians! Therefore, what breaks the power of these evils is our faith and the fruit of the Holy Spirit (1 John 5:5; Ephesians 5:22-23).

Naturally, we all have a spirit of fear and anger in us. As it is, we have a fear for people, and we also fear consequences for wrong behavior. Similarly, we ourselves use fear to intimidate our children or others resulting in deprivation of benefits and after this, we enjoy a false sense of superiority (pride) over those we managed to subdue. Now, does this not show us the power the devil has over us? The very evils he uses to inflict bondage on us we use to control others cruelly. Some might argue that fear and intimidation are necessary to deter potential harm, good! But the Bible says God has not given us a spirit of fear (that is after we gave our lives to Christ) it means we are literally to fear no one or nothing (2 Timothy 1:7; Matthew 10:28) except the Almighty God. Furthermore, as we grow in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, God forms the image of Christ in us through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:29).

In conclusion, as Christians, we have been given the Holy Spirit and our obedience to Him will lead to the manifestation of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5), while our flesh will produce alienation from the Presence of a Holy God. Remember God is coming for the fruit we bore (Matthew 7:17-18).

Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn

Monday, May 20, 2024

Keeping The Lamp Standing

Don't Flirt With Sin

"Be ready for whatever comes, dressed for action and with your lamps lit (Luke 12:35 GNB).

Vision by Claudia (21/04/2020).

I had a vision from the Lord during the early hours of above date, the devil appeared and an Angel of God (Jude 1:9). They were discussing me, I heard the Angel of the Lord saying to the devil 'the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking to Claudia and she is doing well' (Job 1:8). I sensed some evil spirits moving all around the devil and he said in reply, "I don't think she can keep the lamp standing". The Angel of God looked at him and walked away. End of vision! Like Job, he attacked her by inflicting her with a condition (Glory to God she is recovering daily from this affliction). As her parent's we are praying very hard for her daily while teaching her the scriptures and we know there is no reward for turning back (Hebrews 10:38), she is equally Heaven bound to follow the Lord no matter the devil's attacks. We know the devil issues challenges and our Lord Jesus Himself was tempted as His followers we must just be ready for whatever comes (Matthew 4:1-11). The night before [20/04/2020]Claudia received this message the devil appeared to me (Brother Glenn) in a dream and he attacked me verbally and physically to cause me to fear him, but I rebuked him in Jesus name and he flee (James 4:7).

Important note: The Lord have also given Claudia a vision relating to the end things on April 24, 2020, it is also very symbolic in nature we are and have been praying for interpretation and once the Lord provides more clarification we promise to share with you. 

Now brethren, the Lord had me write this article regarding this matter for this week. The Lord says many Christians that He called and anointed to serve the body have also received gifts from the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) are falling under the weight of Satan's attacks and consequently they cannot keep the lamp standing (Matthew 5:15). Please read this entire message and after this article, I promise you would have gain much faith and truth to build your salvation on in Jesus name. What Satan has left is just fear, sin and intimidation those who belongs to Christ he has no power to harm with death.

Brethren, this is a very important message that the Lord gave us for this week it is equal in importance to all the articles we wrote here and what we are yet to write if the Lord permits (James 4:15). As a reminder, the Lord once told us that every teaching from His Word should be treated with reverence, urgency and importance (2 Timothy 3:16).

Satan To The Opportunity

It is a fact that many Christians are not ready or well equipped to withstand the devil when he strikes (1 Peter 5:8). As there are many sins (Galatians 5:19-21; Revelations 21:8) people commits and which afflicts humanity and with Satan’s presence in the world (Revelations 12:12; Luke 10:18) so much options and chances does he have at his disposal to work against us. In addition, it is true that most people including Christians are repeating some of these sins daily; and as long as some of these sins are present in our lives the devil has control over that particular area of our lives. In other words, he has an opportunity to retard our progress in Christ and stagnate our spiritual growth and (Ephesians 4:27) thus denying us of spiritual gifts and blessings (John 9:31; Matthew 6:33; Deuteronomy 28:1-14).

Furthermore, I’d like to add by saying the following; please do not ‘flirt’ with sin. What I mean by this is that we often ‘try’ things out which appears to be ‘innocent’. However, as we continue ‘as casual’ observers the devil sows a seed of desire for that particular indulgence and when we bite he provides lots of ‘support’ to lock us in and this results in a daily struggle and practice. Therefore, if you ‘flirt with sin you ‘flirt’ with the devil and he is ready to enhance your desire and appetite for the thing(s) you crave for (Genesis 3:1-6). Being a minster of the gospel, we have been privileged to hear from some people who wandered from the path of truth into the addictive trap of sin by a simple casual indulgence into some sins. This has sadly trapped countless people deeply into sin where some just don’t have the courage and faith to escape the soul obsessive pleasures.

Did God Create a Devil?

Additionally, the Bible says that Satan is a fallen angel (Luke 10:18; Ezekiel 28:12-17) and his nature is corrupted with sin and because Adam and Eve listened to him humanity became equally corrupted and adopted the sinful nature which separates us like Satan from a Holy God (Isaiah 59:2). But thanks be to God almighty for the gift of salvation through Christ our Lord for all the humanity (John 3:16).

As for the devil, someone once asked me is there no chance for the devil to repent and be saved? NO! The bible says salvation is for people and not for angels including Satan and his fallen angels (Hebrews 2:16). Why? Well, people earn salvation by confessing their sins and renouncing it and by receiving God’s gift of salvation through faith and that’s the basis of being saved (Hebrews 11:6). Does Satan need faith to be saved after having being created by God (as a guardian angel) and being in God’s Presence (Ezekiel 28:14-15)

Not at all! He can certainly not have faith which operates through hope if he has been in God’s Presence and ministered before God. Being a biblical fact which the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to me (Brother Glenn) recently (early April 2020), that Satan set himself up as God’s rival (Isaiah 14:12-15). In other words and on account of the preceding scripture, the devil’s rebelliousness against God is as such that he thought he was higher or above the God Almighty. Therefore, God did not create a devil to oppose humanity, but he chose to be one and people follow their desires either to follow the devil or God. Scripturally, God tolerates no rivals, before Him there was no God even after Him (if it was possible) there will be no other God for He is God alone (Nahum 1:2; Isaiah 43:10). In the light of this scripture, the Almighty God was not created nor formed, He exists from ancient times with no beginning of time or days (Daniel 7:9-10; Psalm 90:2; Hebrews 7:3).

The World Where Good And Evil Exists Which One You Choose

The bible says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14 NIV). 

Now, being in rivalry with God, the devil set himself up as a god (with evil and debarred from possessing any good it is when he became a devil) and he (2 Corinthians 4:4) inherited the nature of sin and evil and all who follows him shares in that nature of sin and rebelliousness against God’s standards of morality (1 John 3:10; 1 Peter 1:16; John 8:44). He could not rival God in terms of holiness, since all things in all creation lives and exists through Him and are dependent on Him and subjected to His authority (Romans 11:36; Colossians 1:16). Therefore, the devil can only satisfy that nature and being consumed by evil and hatred for God, he attacks humanity to blind and deceive while turning people against God (2 Corinthians 4:4). Now since Satan operates as a god, on the evil side, he opposes and competes against God and he has accepted his faith as being eternally doom for destruction (Revelations 12:12; Revelations 20:20) and the nature of evil cannot exists in God’s creation (Revelation 21:4) and so God will be all and for all (1 Corinthians 15:8).

In conclusion, the choice to do sin always rests with us and to trust the Lord Jesus Christ is also a matter of choice we must decide wisely and avoid little traps those are ingredients to fall deeper into sin (Deuteronomy 30:19). In Jesus name, we beseech you brethren to keep the lamp standing and that is possible through faith, endurance, obedience, humility and prayerful devotion to God (Matthew 7:24-27). Finally our doubts, complaints, rebellion and our unbelief will never be able to change the eternal purposes of God. His plans are firm, unshaken and laid out, the devil failed and the future belongs to God Almighty and all those He called to be part of it (Proverbs 21:30; Revelations 21:5). Don’t you want to be part of God’s new beginning?

If you would like to receive God's forgiveness and be set free from the guilt of sin, and be born again please pray using this suggested prayer, our  Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Grace and Peace

Brother Glenn

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

How To Know If You Are Troubled By Demons

Being Delivered From Demons

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand” (Ephesians 6:10-13 NIV).

Being in the ministry is a calling from God and it is a privilege being a minister of the gospel. However, s minister of the gospel has to be equipped spiritually to deal with demons daily as the scripture above suggests. As it is, we are engaged continuously against demons on a daily struggle (1 Peter 5:8-9), but if we resist him firmly in the faith he will step aside for a moment but he will be back when a conducive opportunity arises again (Luke 4:13). As we can see from this preceding scripture, our enemy does not give up, in fact, he has an obsessive appetite like someone who has an addiction problem. In other words, the devil’s appetite to destroy is never quenched (John 10:10), that is why our Lord Jesus Christ came and died on the cross and descended to hell to disarm the enemy of our souls (1 John 3:8; Colossians 2:15) and He gave us authority to stand up against the devil and his demons (Luke 10:19).   

Can We Be Completely Free Of Demons?

As humans, we are born with a sinful nature or rebellious nature against God’s righteous law (Romans 7:18-20). Furthermore, and in other words, as the above scripture, suggest the evil living in us through demonic strength desires to control us (Ephesians 2:2) so that we live to please the flesh or sinful nature in all kinds of uncontrolled indulgences. Now, since we are born into sin and are sinners (Romans 3:10-12) by nature we are NOT completely free from demonic influences since the evil in us is being controlled by the evil one (1 John 3:8; Ephesians 2:2) as far as we allow it to be controlled by the evil in us.

What we mean is this, when we have a continuous desire or craving for something we are being controlled by some demon that causes us to have a lust for more (1 John 2:15-17) as opposed to being content with what we have (Philippians 4:11-13). The truth is, anything that we desire continuously beyond what we really need has its roots in demons and as such the spirit or fruit of self-control is not present (2 Peter 1:5-8). 

How Do We Overcome The Devil Daily?

Being sinful as we are, we have already added our testimony on this website in which we testified how the Lord Jesus Christ rebuked us for our wrongs when we sinned and after repenting the Lord would forgive us (1 John 1:9). Thus in this regard, the rebuke of the Lord discouraged us from being habitual in our wrong behavior and so we avoided being controlled by sin and the devil (Ephesians 2:2). Now! So how do we avoid being used and controlled by the devil? By being about our Father’s business [witnessing] (Luke 2:49). As it is, by this the Lord means we must exercise our faith, and that way we become the devil’s target. We thus need to walk in humility (not shyness) and not being conceited (Romans 12:16). Also, we need to be watchful and pray daily (Luke 21:36). We are to avoid the excesses of worldliness for being worldly makes us useful to the devil, a friend to the world, and that way we gain demons of lust and all kinds of evil desires and appetites (1 John 2:15; 1 Timothy 6:10).  In addition, being disobedient to God and parents branches from demonic rebelliousness. This reminds me of a stunning rebuke the Lord gave a brother in this ministry who refused to obey the Lord (1 Samuel 15:23).

In conclusion, if we have unconfessed sin in our lives, and if we are still living in sin and being disobedient the presence of demons will be there (Proverbs 6:12) and we will be troubled by them (1 Samuel 6:14-23).


Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

God's Angels Serving The Elect

Visions By Claudia (These are available also in our visions section)

Vision Of Angels Gathering The Elect (07/05/2024)

Dear Brethren

Vision: 07/05/2024 By Brother Glenn

Greetings in the name of our Wonderful Lord Jesus Christ. I had a powerful vision just before 5 a.m. In the vision I heard somebody from a distance saying  "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved”(Acts 4:12).

 I found myself repeating this sentence while pointing and looking into the sky, and immediately, I saw Heaven open and I saw countless Angels (In the appearance of blazing light or fire) descending from Heaven gathering those who are to inherit salvation. It appeared as if the whole world was condensed into one place and they went fetching the saved. While waiting eagerly for my turn, I saw an Angel closing in on me and at once I was caught up into the sky to join the countless other people in a cloud and our appearances was transformed into light...end of vision! (Matthew 24:31).

Blessed Regards
Brother Glenn

Vision Of a Bright Cloud

On the February 5, 2020 I had a vision just before my early morning prayers. I saw a brilliant white cloud and a very Bright Light that illuminated the entire sky. As I looked, I felt a deep penetrating peace entering me...END! (See Matthew 17:5)

Vision Of Angels Singing

Again on February 7, 2020. I had another vision, I could see  countless Angels who were dressed in dazzling white robes standing on a pure white cloud. I immediately started singing praises to the Lord and the angelic host joined in singing praises to the Lord. End! (Job 38:7; Luke 2:13-14).

Angels and Their Origin

The Bible says that God created everything in Heaven and on the earth (Genesis1:1; 2:1; John 1:1-3). In the book of Colossians 1:16, we read, “For by Him all things were created: things in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him” (NIV). These angelic beings are eternal and they shouted with joy when God laid the foundation of the world (Luke 20:36; Job 38:1-7). Furthermore, we are told in Scripture that angels do not reproduce or given in marriage (Matthew 22:30).

Upon further study, we read that angels are wise and intelligent beings who have a keen interest in human affairs (Daniel 9:21-22; Daniel 10:14; Luke 15:10). We also read that angels are spirits (Psalm 104:4; Ephesians 3:10).

Angels and Their Dealings With Mankind

Comparatively, Angels were created before man and they are countless and of a higher order (Psalm 103:20; Isaiah 6:2-3; Luke 12:8-9; Psalm 8:5). Because of the high position that angels have as God’s servants, they are said to be, “holy ones”, “stars”, and even as “sons of God” (Job 1:6; 2:1; 5:1; Psalm 89:5,7; Revelation 9:1). In Scripture, we are warned not to worship Angels (Revelation 19:10; Colossians 2:18). As it is, we further learn that angels are serving mankind as guides, protectors, and deliverers (Genesis 24:7, 40; Exodus 14:19; Psalm 34:7; 91:11; Isaiah 63:9; Daniel 3:28).

There are various categories of angels (Genesis 3:24; Isaiah 6:2; Ezekiel 10:3; 2 Kings 6:16-17) and when God revealed angelic beings to people they have various forms. When God sends Angels as messengers to humans, they are given a form similar to that of mankind, though they are usually different; this creates a feeling of awe (Judges 13:15-20; Matthew 28:2-3; Luke 2:9; Acts 1:10).

This is very important: when people claim to have received a message from an angel, it should never proclaim a gospel other than the message of the cross, resurrection and the final judgement of God (Galatians 1:8; Revelation 14:6-7). In the New Testament, we find the angels of the Lord supporting and encouraging the disciples in the work of the gospel:
  • Two angels who looked like men and dressed in white told the disciples that Jesus would come back in the same manner that He ascended (Acts 1:11).
  • An angel directed Philip to preach to the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26)
  • An angels appeared in a vision to give instructions to Cornelius (Acts 10:3-7,22).
  • Angels were sent to offer protection and rescue God’s servants from prison (Acts 12:7-11).
  • An angel came to Paul to strengthen him and to assure him that he would preach to Caesar and spare the lives of his fellow sailors (Acts 27:23-24).
Can People Order Angels Around?

The Lord has given us authority over Satan and demonic spirits, but He has not given us authority to order His holy angels around (Luke 10:18-20). In addition, angels report to the Father and they are His Heavenly witnesses (Job1:6; Luke 12:8-9; Revelation 4:8-11). Also, as I will explain later, Angels do submit to the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ. They do so out of reverence to the Lord, and as much as bad angels or demons hate to acknowledge their defeat at the cross, the angels of the Lord submit to Him (Colossians 1:15-20; Philippians 2:7-11).

Can Angels Heal?

I heard a testimony of someone seeing angels healing people; this testimony contradicts Scripture, however well-intentioned it may be (1 Corinthians 12:9). In the New Covenant, it’s us – the Church, and not angels, who have been commissioned to bring healing in the name of Jesus (Matthew 10:1,8). In the New Testament, Jesus alone is the focus for anyone who was healed miraculously (Acts 3:1-8, 16; Acts 4:9-10; Acts 9:32-35; Acts 28:7-9). Healing and forgiveness of sins is granted when we pray in faith in the name of the Lord and repent of our sins (James 5:14-16). The story of the Pool of Siloam falls under the Old Covenant system, and when Jesus came to that pool He provided a better solution to those who waited for the stirring of the waters (John 5:6-8). Jesus healed everyone who came to Him in faith seeking healing and deliverance (Matthew 4:23-24; Matthew 9:35-36; Matthew 14:14).

In the New Testament, we do not see any evidence of angels performing healing, and as a matter of fact, we are warned about a wrong emphasis on angels:
  • False angels can bring deception via a different gospel other than what is written in the Bible (Galatians 1:8).
  • Satan and his demons can masquerade as "angels of light", and his servants also masquerade as “servants of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
  • Deceived and misguided people worship angels and deceive people with their emphasis on supernatural experiences that are rooted in their fleshly pride, and not in the Holy Spirit or Scriptures (Colossians 2:18).
Encounters With Angels

I will relate two short experiences we had with angels. In 2009, I was shown a vision of angels in human form who were clothed in white guarding my two daughters. In this vision, I saw my daughters Charis and Claudia playing, and I saw two white figures standing close by watching them. I immediately reacted and shouted, “I rebuke you in Jesus name” and as I did that I saw the angels fleeing and they stood a short distance from us (Colossians 1:15-20; Philippians 2:7-11). I continued rebuking them while they just looked at me, and a thought come to my mind that “those are your daughters” guardian angels”. When this thought appeared I wanted to inquire of them but they disappeared.

Furthermore, and I have never reported on this, Charis had numerous visits from different angels who declared upon their appearances that they were sent by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I will only relate on one experience here since it may appeal to everyone. The other angelic visions were personal messages to some of us from the Lord. The vision and the message I am about to share should not be construed as a possible rapture date setting. The female angel who brought the message did not give us the meaning of this message. This particular angel has been sent twice to Charis as a messenger of the Lord (Acts 10:3-8). The vision is described below.

The Vision of the Number 3

This is the vision the Lord gave me (Charis) in the morning of February 28, 2013. I saw an angel appearing in the form of a woman. Although, she did not give me her name, I knew her name was Celeste and that she was an angel sent by the Lord. She spoke and said, “Did you notice that the Lord used the number 3 various times, like your family had to go on a fast for 3 days, and the Lord used the number 3 in the vision you had about your mother? The Lord also used the number 3 in David’s punishment and the Lord rose from the dead in 3 days’ time? I asked her, why are you telling me all these? She replied, “I am sent to tell you this and don’t forget my words; please remember my words”. I replied saying “Yes, I will not forget”, and she disappeared.

Kindly allow me to add some background to this vision. In the beginning of the Lord Jesus Christ’s visits to us, He commanded us to fast for 3 days to receive a blessing, breakthrough and to establish this ministry. Soon after our fasting, He announced what we fasted for. This was predicted and it all came true. Also, the Lord showed Charis a vision of something my wife was going to do; this prediction came true and the rest we know it from the Scriptures. We have no direct interpretation to this revelation but we share it with you as a warning and encouragement.

In conclusion, the Lord also told us that angels do not dispense the gifts of the Holy Spirit, nor do they administer the gifts of the Holy Spirit on His behalf; it is the Lord Himself who works through the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). There is order in the work of God and each individual angel has been assigned task by God (Jude 6; Revelation 5:1; 2 Kings 19:35; Revelation 20:1-3).

Let us therefore remember that Scripturally, we are warned against worshiping angels, praying to them or expecting them to do things for us; they are only ministering spirits sent by God and they are commanded by Him and our Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:14).

Blessed Grace and Mercy be multiplied to you in Jesus name,

Brother Glenn.

PS: We are sharing a new warning vision the Lord has given on November 9, 2013.